August 1, 2022 Monday...that says it all! I hope your day is great and your week gets off on the right foot. This coming Sunday night is First Fellowship and the fare for the evening is Sunday Surprise and a drink to share. Please continue to remember Sara Hardin as she recovers from her surgery.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
July 28, 2022 Thanks to everyone providing backpacks, school supplies and the like for the Back to School Bash last night! I am sure many kids will now go to school prepared who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to do so.
This Sunday, we will observe the ordinance of Communion during the morning worship service. Please be prayerfully prepared to participate in this worship experience reminding us the cost of our salvation.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 27, 2022
Tonight is our annual Back to School Bash at 6 pm in the Roper Building.
Tomorrow night at 7 pm is our monthly Free Food Night and I hope you will be able to help with one or the other or maybe even both.
Please remember to pray for Sara Hardin who will have surgery tomorrow morning. See ya tonight?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 25, 2022 We have a big week planned this week! - Back to School Bash Wednesday night - Free Food Thursday night
Please remember to pray for Bryan Smith's family in the death of his brother Wallace yesterday. Pray also for his brother Carlos who has COVID. Sarah Hardin will have outpatient surgery on Thursday so keep Sara and the family in your prayers as well.
Lift one another up in prayer as you have opportunity.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
July 21, 2022 Though the week is winding down, I hope it has been a good one for you. Please remember one another in prayer and don't forget to unite with all of that can for Sunday Services.
As vacation season slowly fades away and school preparations begin, remember to pray for the teachers and administrators of our particular, Amy Hardin, Lisa Alexander and Meredith Alexander (her first year as a teacher).
See ya'll Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 20,2022 Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Pat H and Derek T. If you will, pray for Becky L who has tested positive for COVID.
Don't forget the Student Ministry meets tonight at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live is at 6:30. We will finish the book of 1 Peter tonight and look forward to the sequel in 2 Peter.
And on a final note, don't forget that if you decide to provide a backpack with school supplies, they are due this Sunday so they may be given out at the "Back to School" Bash on July 27th. Thank you in advance for the kids!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 14, 2022 The Necessity of Church Membership Excerpt from the September 23, 2021 Daily Encouragement Scripture is clear, society will eventually get worse and worse as time marches on and we will find little solace in the comfort of this world system. In fact, it is this very system that will turn against God’s people as time wears on. Those living on the outer rim of faithfulness will find themselves discouraged and defeated by the attacks of the enemy.
Link yourself with like-minded people; study, watch, pray and serve the Lord with gladness. I know who has my back, do you?
July 12, 2022 The Student Ministry has posted a backpacks and school supplies listing for the kids going back to school.
The "Back 2 School Bash" for the kids is planned for July 27th in time for the start of the new school year. If you are able, please pull a ticket (or however many you like) and provide a kid's supplies they need to get off to a great school year.
If at all possible, please have the backpack ready to go by Sunday, July 24th. I know all the kids will thank you!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 11, 2022 This week, the Senior Outing returns and we will be going to the Walhalla Steak House at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 14th.
We will take the bus and those who desire to drive and meet us there or follow the bus are welcome to do so. See ya then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 7, 2022
Good Morning all! I hope you have a great day in the Lord today!
Since we have the command in Scripture; "Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is..." I sincerely hope to see all of those who can, be at worship on Sunday morning and then again for First Fellowship on Sunday night.
See ya then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
July 5, 2022
Happy 5th of July! Shouldn't we celebrate every new day? I hope you have a great day, whether you are on vacation, awaiting a vacation, or maybe even preparing for a "stay-cation." have a wonderful 5th!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 30, 2022
Tonight is Student Ministry and Wednesday Night Live! I hope you can join us to study 1 Peter, Chapter 5. See ya then!
Oh, just wanted to say Happy $#rd birthday to our daughter, ya sweetheart!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
June 28, 2022
I hope this break in the weather is as refreshing for you as it is for me. Don't forget that we will have First Fellowship on Sunday, July 10th as the evening service.
Student Ministry resumes tomorrow night at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm. See ya there?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 27, 2022
Although we were not with you physically for worship yesterday, we were with you in spirit. Lift up one another in prayer and remember that we have many opportunities every day to testify to the goodness of God's mercy and grace. I hope you are able to make the most of every chance to speak a word for your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 24, 2022
Friday at last! I hope your week ends on a positive note and you are looking forward to some relaxation this weekend. All we have to worry about is what are you going to wear to church on Sunday. Life should be so easy all the time! See you Sunday? Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 20, 2022
What a wonderful week of VBS last week! Hats off to Stephen & Priscilla for a great job leading and coordinating the entire week of activities. A special thanks to all the teachers and workers who made it all happen with the kids every night. Super Troopers!
Please pray for Joey and Christy Taylor who are dealing with the death of two people close to them. Remember the words of Hebrews 10:24 (I'll let you look that up).
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 17, 2022
Last night we had 47 kids for VBS and what a time we had!
Tonight is our last night for classes and Sunday morning we will wrap up the 2022 VBS for the year.
I hope you can make it Sunday with all the parents.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray
June 15, 2022
What a night at VBS last night! We had 43 kids attending with several new kids.
Reese Davis' surgery went well and his follow-up appointment is today. Matt Rash had his stents removed and seems to be feeling some better. The Drummonds will be returning home this week so please keep them all in your prayers.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 13, 2022 Please continue to pray for:
Matt Rash for recovery from sinus and thyroid surgery, for Reese Davis has urgent surgery on one of his eyes for a partially detached retina and for Gary and Reba Drummond for the loss of Gary's sister.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 10, 2022
Message from the Pastor
I hope and pray you have had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend.
We would love to have you worship with us on Sunday morning and maybe even Sunday evening this weekend as we "gear up" for VBS on Monday night. See ya there!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
June 6, 2022
I hope and pray your week goes well with no unexpected negative surprises.
Keep Matt Rash in your prayers tomorrow while he undergoes surgery to remove a mass in his chest.
Don't Forget, VBS kicks off next Monday night!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor June 2, 2022
Hold on...almost there...Friday's coming!
Since we are stuck on Thursday, let me remind you about the special 1st Fellowship this Sunday night as our evening service. We have special musical guests and their families so break out the big bowls for all to share! I sincerely hope to see you both services this Sunday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 1, 2022
June 1st...where has the year gone already!
** Tonight our special Guest is Professor Mark Wilson from Southern Wesleyan University.
He brings with him some 1400 year old Hebrew Scrolls and I sincerely hope you are able to attend.
The Student Ministry will be joining us upstairs for this rare opportunity at learning first hand some of our Hebrew Biblical heritage.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes; John 9:14
Message from the Pastor May, 31, 2022
Did you go back to work today hoping to get a rest from a 3-day weekend? Isn't it amazing how we try to cram as much to do as possible and forsake the one command regarding the Let me encourage you to try making the weekend a little more "low key" and see if it recharges you and energizes you for the next week.
Hey, how about an hour of restful worship with us next Sunday? Try it; you might like it!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 26, 2022
Free Food tonight! I hope you are able to join us for this community outreach event.
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend and I hope you are able to join us for some special services at 11:00 on Sunday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May, 25, 20922
We have Student Ministry tonight at 6:00 and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30.
Tomorrow night is Free Food Night at 7:00 in the downstairs hallway and will be our traditional manner of meeting...Prayer, devotion and distribution of the food boxes. See ya then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 23, 2022
If you did not join us for worship services yesterday, you were missed!
I hope you will be able to join us this coming Sunday (Memorial Day Weekend) for a special tribute to the men and women of our lives and heritage who served our country proudly. See you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Happy Friday! May 20, 2022
Please pray for our Pastor, Ray Longenecker. He had knee surgery this morning. He's hoping to be back at church Sunday and would love to see you there.
We have Sunday School for all ages. Come join us in Bible Study, fellowship and Worship!
Message from the Pastor May 19, 2022
Pray for the persecuted Christians in Ukraine and those displaced from their homes to other countries. We need to lift them up in their fight for freedom from Russian tyranny. Remember the Bible commands us to "exhort one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25).
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 18, 2022
Wednesday Night Live tonight at 6:30 and Student Ministry at 6:00. I hope you can join either of the activities going on tonight; you won't regret it!
Please pray for the Barbara "Bobbie" Melton family. I will be conducting her funeral service tomorrow at Liberty Mortuary.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 17, 2022
Just a thought...I hope you have a great day today and use your lighthearted mood to lift someone else up who might need encouragement.
Katie M is at home and adjusting to her new limitations. Please continue to pray for her and the family.
Message from the Pastor May 16, 2022
We have a few special treats in store coming soon to SMBC.
-One is on Wednesday night, June 1st at 6:30 in the auditorium and the other is
-Sunday evening, June 5th at 6 pm in the Roper Building for 1st Fellowship.
Come find out what's going on!
See ya then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 12, 2022
Sunday Morning events: Sunday school and Morning Worship. Sunday night: Choir rehearsal and Evening Worship service.
I would certainly love to see you there for any and/or all of the services. You are missed when you are not there!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 9, 2022
A wonderful day yesterday celebrating Moms in our worship service! Okay, dads, it's time to start dropping those hints if you haven't already!
Please pray for Katie M throughout the week as she has a major surgery on Thursday. Pray also for a healthy recovery after her surgery.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 6, 2022
This week ends on a glorious note and beautiful weather! Sunday is Mother's Day and I hope you will spend some time with Mom.
To accommodate this, SMBC will not have an evening service allowing you some extra time to spend with mom and family. See ya Sunday?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Happy Mother's Day!
Message from the Pastor May 5, 2022
Today is National Day of Prayer and I hope you will take out some time to reflect on our national heritage of God's providential guidance.
Tonight, the Singing Churchmen of SC will be in concert at Crossroads Baptist Church in Dacusville.
The bus will leave the church at 6:10 pm this evening for those desiring to ride.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 4, 2022
Welcome to Wednesday and mid-week!
Services tonight for Student Ministry (6:00) and Adult Bible Study (6:30).
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 3, 2022
Praying all is going well for you so far this week. Our Wednesday Night Live adult Bible Study will venture into 1 Peter, Chapter 4 this week as we wrap up chapter 3. I hope you are able to attend and be a part of our efforts at deepening our understanding of Scripture.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 2, 2022
May days, sunny days and daylight lasting a little longer!
I hope you are having a great start to your work week. There's a lot to be thankful for today, tomorrow and every day.
Be careful and have a great week. Don't forget this Sunday is Mother's and chocolate are always appropriate.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 20, 2022
Friday and the last work day of April. Sunday is May Day and I hope you will celebrate with us in worship on Sunday morning.
Sunday night is First Fellowship and we will provide the burgers and hot dogs; you bring the drinks and the sides. See you then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 28, 2022
Just a reminder that tonight is Free Food Night at 7 pm. Sunday evening will be First Fellowship as the evening service.
The church will be providing the hamburgers and hot dogs and bring the sides and drinks. I hope to see you then as we kick off the summer months with time together before everyone gets too busy.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April, 27, 2022
Tonight is Student Ministry at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm.
Please continue to pray for those of our church family listed on the prayer page of the bulletin. The list waxes and wanes, but there is always a need for effectual, fervent prayer!
I hope to see you tonight!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 26, 2022
Don't forget we have Free Food Night this week on Thursday night at 7:00 pm.
We will resume normal with prayer requests, prayer and a devotion for those attending.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 25, 2022
I hope y'all had a good week and are ready to hit the ground running with the new week. We have Free Food Night this week at 7:00 p.m.
We return to our normal way of doing things; -Prayer requests and prayer; -Devotion and then Distribution of the food.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Today is Friday of Holy Week; the mock trials continue and Jesus is beaten, scourged and led to Calvary carrying the Roman Cross of the Crucifixion.
He dies on the Cross, is buried and a Roman guard set for a watch. So, the world waits, the Jews rejoice, the Disciples hide and the earth cradles her Creator in a borrowed tomb.
What next? You and I know the answer; the fount of hope for 2000 years and the only hope for all eternity!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 14, 2022
On Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus instructed His disciples to secure and prepare a room for their Passover Meal.
Only this meal was to be their "Last Supper" and the basis for Holy Communion observed by Christians worldwide for the last almost 2000 years.
Have you taken time to make preparations for Resurrection Sunday? It is not too late!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 13, 2022
Student Ministry tonight at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm. I hope you are able to attend one or the other.
Next week, there will be no Wednesday evening activities so take that time to pray for someone who has either visited the church or someone in the area whom you are aware of their need.
If you pass by the church, check out the cross on the front's beautiful!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 12, 2022
On Tuesday of the Last Week, Christ taught in the Temple on a variety of subjects ranging from faith and His Messianic authority to religious pride and the widow's mites.
Take time to read this section of Scripture to remind ourselves of the importance of Bible study and prayer.
Special thanks to Karen and Glynnis for decorating the cross with the flowers you provided. It is simply beautiful!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 11, 2022
I hope your week goes well and you are able to take some time for reflection and contemplation of the true significance of this week in the life of a Christian.
Resurrection Sunday is coming...are you ready?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 8, 2022
Resurrection Sunday is fast upon us. Join us for a celebration of Christ on April 17th.
Our services will begin at 10:30 with no Sunday School that morning and no evening services or activities.
See ya Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 4, 2022
Welcome to the first day of the work week. Please pray for Sheila Martin and the family after the passing of her mother.
Also, please pray for Zoe, Malachi and Rebecca D in the death of their father last week.
Stay safe and I hope to see you Wednesday Night.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 1, 2022
We have services this Sunday beginning with Sunday School at 10:00 and Worship at 11:00.
Not only are you missing out on some great fellowship around the Word of God when you are not there, you are depriving the rest of us from spending time with you! See ya Sunday?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 25, 2022
I hope you have a great weekend and carve out a couple of hours to join us for worship and Sunday School on Sunday.
Happy 39th birthday to our son, Derek Longenecker!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 24, 2022
Tonight is Free Food Night!
This will be our last "drive through" event. From now on, we will resume our traditional format.
If you know someone needing food, please notify the church office and we will be able to accommodate their needs.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 17, 2022
Happy St. Patrick's your green on?
I found out yesterday that Betty Garrett is in Baptist Easley Hospital for oversight and possible surgery. Please keep her in your prayers; she is on antibiotics and clear liquids to see if that improves her condition.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 11, 2022
Last gasp of the last week of winter! I hope your week was a good one and the weekend even better.
Sunday's sermon title is "I Swear" from Exodus 20:7. Come see what it is all about on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 10, 2022
I hope and pray your week has been a good one so far. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour this Saturday night.
Also, we have the Men's Prayer Breakfast on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. and for all you men, I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 8, 2022
Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a good start.
Please remember to pray for Matt Rash who has been sick now for several days and Jacob seems to be healing well from his appendectomy.
Pray also for our Deacons as they provide leadership for our church. We have been missing many of you in Sunday School now for several months and would love to see you back in class. We have classes for everyone from the nursery to the adults.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 4, 2022
Please continue to pray for Ukraine and her people. They have heroically resisted the evil foisted upon them by Russian aggressors all the way to the top in Vladimir Putin.
Remember to pray for one another and those you know who are not saved. I look forward to seeing you Sunday. Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 3, 2022
Please remember to pray for Jacob Rash who had an emergency appendectomy on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and is recovering well at home.
Also, continue to pray for the people of Ukraine as they fight for their country and way of life.
The Youth Bonfire is this Friday night at the Reeves' home located at 142 Stewart Rd. in Six Mile.
** Below is a list of items that are needed by the people of Ukraine. This list is from Holy Cross Catholic Church in Pickens who has some members with friends/family in Ukraine. If you have or are able to donate any of these items, please bring them to church on Sunday and I will deliver them to the Church.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 1, 2022
Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine as they stand up to Russian aggression and invasion. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ as they defend their homeland against satanic oppression and overreach.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 28, 2022
Welcome to the end of February! One-sixth of the year is gone already and I am just getting accustomed to putting "2022" on my checks. Oh well, be that as it may, I hope you are having a good year so far. May you also have a great day today.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 25, 2022
Happy Friday! May your weekend be relaxing, refreshing and reinvigorating.
While you're at it, I hope to see you on Sunday for all services if possible!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 24, 2022
Thursday at last and Friday's coming! I hope your week has been good to you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 21, 2022
Welcome to another edition of the Daily Encouragement! I hope and pray your Monday is off to a good start and the work week is shaping up to be a good one as well.
Continue to pray for one another and for Reba Reeves (Tricia Garrett's mother), Doyle Britton, Donna Stewart family, Frances James, Rick Law and Faye Bridges.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 18, 2022
Friday at last! I hope your week ends on a positive note and you are looking forward to some relaxation this weekend. All we have to worry about is what are you going to wear to church on Sunday. Life should be so easy all the time! See you Sunday?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 15, 2022
It's the "day after!" Do you feel left out because you wonder, after what? Well Valentine's Day of course. If you are like me, you might find yourself stuck in the "day after" and don't even realize it. I have found the best way to combat this problem is to live each day as the "day before" which keeps you on your toes in anticipation.
Here are some interesting stats Fredia gave me for Hope Women's Center: In 2021, the center assisted 315 clients; 256 as returning clients; 59 as new clients and provided services for 741 people.
Now that's a local ministry meeting the needs of people in real time. If you know of someone who could benefit from their services, please feel free to refer them to the center, or maybe even offer to escort them as your guest. Either way, it is a win-win situation for everyone.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 14, 2022
I hope today is a great day for all of you. Share your love of one another by praying for each other and seeking out an opportunity to do good for someone today.
May God bless your efforts with answered prayer and continued good health.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 11, 2022
I know you are glad it is Friday once again. Looks like this weekend will be nice except for a bit cooler on Sunday.
I hope to see you on Sunday as we dedicate 3 precious children and their parents to the Lord during our morning worship service. Be safe and have a relaxing and refreshing weekend.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 9, 2022
Welcome to midweek (hump day as some would call it). I hope your week is going well with you and you are enjoying good health in the midst of all the news about COVID, the flu and all the other bugs going around.
Please pray for the Billy Joe Gantt family who will lay him to rest today. He was a good man and a pillar in the Rice's Creek community.
We have Student Ministry at 6 pm tonight along with Adult Bible Study at 6:30. I hope to see you there at one or the other.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 8, 2022
It's Tuesday, deal with it! That might be the approach some take and you might be unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of such tripe. But in reality, that's about all any of us can do, isn't it?
I mean take in stride whatever life throws at us knowing that we are not alone and the battle belongs to the Lord. All we can do is be faithful to the One Who is always faithful.
Don't forget Wednesday Night Live Adult Bible Study at 6:30 in the Book of 1 Peter, Chapter 2... I hope you can join us!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 7, 2022
Welcome to Monday and the promise the new week holds in store. I hope you had a refreshing weekend and look forward to the opportunities before you.
Please continue to pray for the George Kessler Family. His visitation will be Saturday, February 12th, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, and Memorial Service at 2:00 pm; all at Liberty Mortuary.
The private committal service will follow at Six Mile Baptist Church Cemetery. Also, please pray for the Billy Joe Gantt family; a member from my last church.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 2, 2022
Midweek already! I hope and pray you have a blessed day today and you are able to accomplish all your heart sets to get done.
Donnie Smith will have a very sensitive surgery on his neck on Friday morning that hopefully will alleviate some of the pain and discomfort he experiences. Pray for peace for him and Susan and for the surgical team to be "on their game."
Their daughter, Amelia, is also having surgery on one of her feet February 7th.
Also, please continue to pray for Teresa Lesley as she recovers from COVID; hopefully in time to attend Miss Edna's funeral service on Friday. I will keep you apprised of any changes to any of the upcoming scheduled activities.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 1, 2022
Here's wishing you a great and enjoyable day!
Please continue to pray for the Edna Dillard and George Kessler families in the passing of both.
Edna's graveside committal service will be Friday at Hillcrest Cemetery.
George's services will be at Liberty Mortuary on Saturday with visitation at 1 pm and service at 2 pm; then a private family graveside service at Six Mile Baptist Church Cemetery.
Don't forget Wednesday night activities for Student Ministry and Adult Bible Study. See you then!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 27, 2022
Happy Thursday!
Tonight is Free Food Night and we will conduct it as a "drive thru" event at 7:00 pm.
George Kessler was released from COVID Isolation yesterday and is now at Linley Park in Anderson.
This Sunday, Stephen Reeves will give a report on their mission trip to Arizona and the effect it had on all the participants.
Men, don't forget to let me know about your intentions to attend the Men's Conference Simulcast next Friday and Saturday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 26, 2022
Tonight is Student Ministry at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30.
I hope you are all able to sense the Lord's presence throughout the course of your busy days. We have the assurance that He will; "never leave us or forsake us." Hang your hat on that one and I guarantee you will have a better day. See ya tonight?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 25, 2022
What a beautiful day this has turned out to be! I hope you are able to enjoy this moderate climate and do things outside you have been putting off.
Our mission group to Arizona arrived home safe Monday morning sometime around 1 am. We will get a full report of their trip this Sunday.
This Sunday, we will formally present and vote on the proposed budget for 2022.
*One final note: Men, I need to know how many of you plan to attend all or part of the Simulcast February 4th and 5th, so please let me know as soon as possible. So far, I have confirmed a total of 6 for the event.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 24, 2022
Monday, Monday, can't trust that day! Oh well, welcome to the beginning of another week...the last week of January. Ugh! Time flies!
I hope you have a great week and if you get the COVID bug, it doesn't get you down too bad.
Men, don't forget to let me know about your interest in the Men's Conference Simulcast the weekend of February 4-5.
We have Free Food this week on Thursday and the Leadership Training at 1st Baptist Pickens on Saturday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 21, 2022
Welcome Friday! I know for some of you it's not the end of the work week, but for others, a well earned weekend.
I hope part of your weekend plans include joining us for Sunday School on Sunday at 10 and worship at 11. It seems like a month since we were together in a worship service. See ya Sunday?!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 20, 2022
One week from today is Free Food Night at the church. We will meet at 6:30 and prepare boxes for distribution and wait for people to arrive.
This weekend we will present Part II of our sermon "Strong Families in a Weak Society" and I hope you can be there for the latter half of the sermon.
If ever our nation needed strong families, led by parents of strong faith, it is now! Please join us in person or on Facebook Live at 11:00 a.m.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 19, 2022
Tonight is Adult Bible Study in the sanctuary at 6:30.
Those of you idled tonight because there is NO STUDENT MINISTRY are invited to join us for an in-depth look at the Book of 1st Peter, Chapter 1.
Hope to see you tonight!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 18, 2022
I hope you were able to dig out after the snowstorm this weekend. For those of you going to work this morning, please be careful and take your time.
Continue to lift each other up in prayer; especially the homebound who cannot get out and about.
To add insult to injury, there is the threat of another storm this coming weekend, so be prepared.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 17, 2022
I sure missed seeing all of you yesterday! Let's all hope this is the last Sunday we have to miss for the rest of the season. While there is not a lot going on this week with no Student Ministry on Wednesday night, we will still have adult Bible Study on Wednesday night at 6:30.
Pray for the mission team in Arizona for strength to do what needs to be done, safety in working and safe travel home. We will get a report on their efforts after they return. Stay safe and warm.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 14, 2022
Our mission team leaves tomorrow morning headed to Charlotte and on to Arizona. Please commit to pray for them every day for the next week while they serve the Lord through their efforts there.
Tomorrow is the work day at the Roper Building.
As to Sunday worship and the weather conditions, we will contact you once we make a determination on whether or not we will have services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 13, 2022
Just a reminder that we have a workday scheduled for this Saturday from 8:00-Noon at the Roper Building and the Church for anyone who wants to participate.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 6, 2022
What a great day to be alive! We as a people have so much to be thankful for; especially when we consider all the things we generally tend to take for granted.
Atop that list is air, water, food and shelter and the pinnacle of the pyramid is the love of God!
Take time today to thank God for the "intangibles" or our blessed existence; the things we take for granted.
One of our young adults who has been a long long term youth is wanting to go on the Arizona mission trip with the Reeves family. If anyone would like to help him out financially, please make your donation to the church and mark it "Arizona Mission" and the funds will be used to support the effort. Thank you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 5, 2022
I sincerely hope all is well for you today!
We have Student Ministry tonight at 6:00 and Adult Bible Study at 6:30. Please pray for these activities if you cannot be there in person; both are an important part of our ministries at SMBC.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
from the Pastor December 31, 2021
Welcome to the last day of the year! I hope in retrospect, you find this year to have been better than the COVID nightmare of 2020 but also looking for ways to improve in 2022. May you have a blessed day and it would thrill me to see as many people as possible in our worship service on Sunday, January 2nd. I hope to see you there.
Please pray for Ken Pilgrim's family in the death of his sister, Carolyn Anderson. Details about services are not available yet. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Message from the Pastor December 29, 2021
Just a reminder, we have Student Ministry tonight at 6:00 pm and Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm. I hope you can attend one of these services. See ya tonight?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 24, 2021
Please enjoy the weekend with family and friends and I hope to see you for worship on Sunday! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 23, 2021 I hope you have finished all your shopping and gift wrapping and are able to take a "breather" before Christmas.
I know you will all be busy with the trappings of the season, so don't forget to carve out some time for the real reason for it all...Jesus!
Take a breather and spend some time at the Master's feet and recharge your soul. It truly is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 17, 2021
Please remember George Kessler in your prayers. He is battling iron toxicity which is causing confusion and disorientation. He has been moved to Linley Park for rehab and further therapy.
Don't forget the morning worship services this weekend start at 10:30 and we have our annual Christmas dinner after the service.
For those of you traveling to make out of town family engagements, please be careful and have a safe trip.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 16, 2021
Tonight is Free Food Night and it will be at 7 pm as a "Drive Thru" event.
Pray for the families that come that strength and health will be gained through the food they receive.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 15, 2021
Tonight is the Student Ministry Christmas Party in the Roper Building at 6 pm. Pray for our teachers and workers who face an uphill battle every Wednesday night against a destructive culture.
The Adult Bible study is at 6:30 and we continue in the Book of 1 Peter.
Pray for Reese Davis who will undergo hip replacement surgery today and Patti is recovering from oral surgery yesterday. Allan Garrett and David Benton are recovering very nicely from their recent surgeries.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 7, 2021
Today is the 80th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor..."a day which will live in infamy."
Those of you fortunate enough to have lived with or knew WWII veterans are part of the legacy they leave to us to pass along. Never forget that freedom is not free. Some 407,000 plus servicemen died in that war so we might continue to enjoy the lives we have.
If you see a person wearing a veteran's hat, regardless of the branch of service, thank them for their selfless duty to God and country.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 6, 2021
Special thanks to Brad & Kayla Holtzclaw for the beautiful red roses in the sanctuary yesterday in honor of the home going of James Seaborn Jr. a year ago.
Remember to pray for Allan Garrett throughout the week and as he has surgery on Friday. Sandra Stancil has been diagnosed with an incurable lung/bronchial disease that can be managed with medication.
Lastly, pray for Joyce Stewart in the passing of her brother, Larry Baugus. Details about his memorial service will be sent when available.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 2, 2021
Don't forget Old Fashioned Christmas this Saturday night at Town Hall. This is an annual event to draw the community together in the spirit of the season. I hope you can make it!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 1, 2021
Tonight we have Student Ministry at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30. I hope you are able to be a part of one of the services.
Please pray for George Kessler who is in AnMed Hospital. He is disoriented and confused, weak and in an awful lot of pain. No word yet on when they plan to repair his hip or shoulder. He has had 3 transfusions in the last week and may have an internal bleed somewhere. Prayers for him and his family are needed. Stay safe and pray for one another.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 30, 2021
The last day of November! Seems like only yesterday we celebrated July 4th with cookouts and fireworks. Yes, time marches on and now we are knocking on December's door with all the festivities and trimmings that becomes the holiday season.
Don't forget to lift up one another in prayer or to avail yourself to one less fortunate than yourself. In this, we fulfill the law of God!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 24, 2021
It's midweek; the day before Thanksgiving and you are either getting ready for family and friends to come over or you are headed to their house.
Whatever your plans for the holiday, please carve out some time to be truly thankful for your salvation and service to the Lord through your church.
Invest some time in the life of someone who might be less fortunate than you and listen for clues to their needs. Maybe, just maybe, their greatest need is just for someone to show an interest in them. That's something we all could do!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 23, 2021
I hope your shortened work week is going nicely and you're looking forward to some "downtime" on Thursday.
Don't forget to express your thankfulness to God for the many blessings you have experienced just by being able to read this missive.
If you are traveling this week, please be careful and know that you are prayed for and will be missed if you are not back for Sunday worship.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 22, 2021
Praise the Lord, we served right at 200 Thanksgiving meals on Saturday! All this because of your commitment to ministering grace to our community. A special thanks to everyone who donated time, money and energy to this special, worthwhile cause.
Also, we sent off 31 Christmas shoeboxes through Samaritan's Purse to be given to children around the world. Once again, you rose to the occasion!
It was my pleasure and my privilege to Baptize Kylie Schultz at the close of our Sunday Morning Worship service yesterday. Pray for her as she begins her new life in Christ.
Just a reminder, there will be no Wednesday night service this week. Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday whether at home or with friends and family. Those of you traveling, please be careful.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 18, 2021
Two days left until the Feast of Plenty.
Even though it is a lot of work, I always look forward to being able to serve our community a hot Thanksgiving style meal. If you can, invite someone to the dinner or come and get to-go boxes for a homebound family in your neighborhood. I am certain they will greatly appreciate you being Jesus to them and showing how much you care.
**November 20th at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM All the fixings: Turkey, dressing, gravy, vegetables, cranberry sauce and dessert. Drive through or dine outside across from Six Mile Baptist Church at the Roper Building.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Welcome to Wednesday and I hope your day is going well so far. I am pleased to announce that Fredia's follow-up radiology appointment showed no abnormalities and the doctor wants to see her back in 6 months for another look. Praise the Lord!
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and Student Ministry and I hope you are able to attend one or the other. We will continue our study of 1 Peter in the first chapter.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Sunday's service was an especially faith building experience for me! I sincerely thank all of you who came to the altar and spent time in prayer. If our nation is to recover from spiritual malaise and darkness, it will be the prayers of the saints of God leading the way.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 11, 2021
Happy Veteran's Day to all our men and women who faithfully served our great nation in the uniforms of the United States Armed Forces! You are my heroes and I salute you for your service.
Don't forget the Men's Workday on Saturday from 8 a.m. to Noon with hot coffee and pastries for all who participate. We have several smaller tasks to accomplish and a few larger ones so all the help we can muster is greatly appreciated.
We will have a Baptism Service on Sunday, November 21st at the close of the morning worship service. I sincerely hope to see you this Sunday for Sunday School and worship if you are able to attend.
Please remember the Nancy Rhodes and Mary Ann Gantt Families as they say final goodbyes today and tomorrow at graveside services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 10, 2020
With the middle of the week comes:
-Student Ministry at 6:00 and -Wednesday Night Bible Study at 6:30.
Please continue to pray for our homebound folks and add Allan Garrett to your prayer list. He will be having back surgery on December 10th to hopefully relieve the chronic pain in his legs and back. -Just a reminder that we have plenty of unfolded boxes available for the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes if you are in need of some. The last day for having them at the church has been changed to November 21st. If you have any questions about this, please contact Lori Rash.
-Also remember the Men's Workday at the church this Saturday from 8 to Noon with coffee and pastries provided.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 9, 2021
Is your week shaping up to be a "solid rock" or "sinking sand" kind of week? Just remember that regardless of your footing, your faith will see you through.
Pray for our homebound folks today and maybe even drop them a line or call them. I know either written word or spoken word will mean the world to them.
Tomorrow night we continue in 1 Peter, Chapter 1 and I hope you are able to join us for the study.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from, the Pastor November 5, 2021
Friday at last! This weekend, we will partake in First Fellowship as our Sunday evening service.
Bring your favorite sandwiches and a drink to share (any desserts are always welcome)!
All Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due at the church by next weekend, November 14th.
And one final note, this weekend we set our clocks back one hour...fall back...if you fail to do so, you will miss either Sunday school or the worship service.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 3, 2021
Tonight, Student Ministry at 6:00 and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm.
I sincerely hope you are able to attend the Adult Bible Study as we work our way through the book of 1 Peter.
Don't forget this Sunday night is First Fellowship as the evening service.
I look forward to this time of fellowship, food and worship with you as we "break bread" together.
Please remember a family from my last church, the Troy Brooks Family, in your prayers. Troy passed away today after a lengthy battle with throat cancer. I will be assisting with his memorial service at 2 pm on Friday at Liberty Mortuary in Liberty.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist
Message from the Pastor November 2, 2021
This coming Sunday Night is First Fellowship and I can't think of a better way to celebrate God's goodness than for us to come together in fellowship and worship around "victuals!"
Bring your favorite sandwiches and a drink or dessert to share with everyone.
Don't forget about your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes being due at the church by November 14th.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 1, 2021
I hope your day, week and month is off to a good start on this first day of November. I must start the month off with several prayer requests for you to consider. First, Ann Deadwyler passed away yesterday morning around 3 a.m. so please pray for the family.
Allan Garrett is suffering terribly with his back and legs and having great difficulty moving about. Sue Ramey is having surgery today.
Finally, continue to pray for Patrick Hardin's family in the death of his father, Ricky.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 29, 2021
Welcome to Friday! I hope your week was great and the weekend is even better!
Don't forget Sunday is Communion Sunday and I look forward to sharing the Lord's Table with all of you.
Lift up one another in prayer and take full advantage of the opportunities God gives you to be a witness of the hope you have in you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 27, 2021
Midweek service tonight for Student Ministry at 6:00pm in the Roper Building and Adult Bible Study at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. We are continuing our study of the Book of 1 Peter and are currently in Chapter 1.
Thursday night is Free Food Nightat 7:00 pm as a "drive thru" event. Remember to lift up one another in prayer as the world becomes more and more hostile to those of Christian faith.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 25, 2021
Welcome to another work week! Just think, only five days until the weekend. Speaking of the weekend, Saturday night at 6 pm, we are hosting Hobo Stew for the Town of Six Mile and I hope you can join us.
Please pray for the safe release of the kidnapped missionaries in Haiti. Pray that God will soften the hearts of the captors and set all of them free.
Don't forget, you have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God within you everywhere you go!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 22 2021
Thank You, Lord, for another good week blessed with great weather, the love of family and friends and the opportunity to share Jesus with someone!
Pray for Drew, Brittany and Blake who have all been diagnosed with COVID and are on the road to recovery.
Don't forget to set your alarm for early enough to join us for worship on Sunday at 11:00. In fact, with worship at that hour, you could have brunch and still make it on time (bring me a biscuit if you can). See ya then?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 21, 2021
As we near the end of the week, I know many of you are making plans for the weekend. Be sure to include attending worship with us on Sunday at 11:00 if you are able. We will have Hobo Stew next week on October 30th. Come join us! Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 20, 2021
I hope your Wednesday is going well and it would be nice to see you tonight at Wednesday Night Live. We will not be doing Facebook on Wednesday nights anymore since they (Facebook), cut me off several times over the course of the evening.
Please pray for Dakota T who had knee surgery yesterday for a torn ACL and is in a lot of pain.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is going your way and things are working the way they should. Remember to pray for all of our Senior Saints and those recovering from medical procedures. Also, don't forget to pray for our nation and the leaders in the three branches of government.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 14, 2021
Don't forget the Harvest Party this weekend at Stephen and Priscilla's house, 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Bring a chair, a snack and a drink to share...all are invited.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 13, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live with Student Ministry at 6:00 and Bible Study at 6:30.
Don't forget to remember one another in prayer; especially the homebound, the infirm, those recently saved and the lost.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 12, 2021
Remember to pray for Terry D since she cannot put any weight on her feet yet and is for the most part, confined to her bed or a wheelchair.
Today marks the 67th anniversary of my parent's wedding and like most "Baby Boomers," we have many traits passed down to us from parents who survived the Great Depression, World War II, and the Korean Conflict. Characteristics like frugality, honesty, integrity and a conviction that America is the greatest country on earth.
These ideals are looked upon with disdain and mocked by our current "cancel culture."
Do your best today to integrate these values into a world so desperately seeking truth and relevance. Be Christ to someone today!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 8, 2021
Friday! That says it all for some of you and for others, it might be just another day.
Ken Pilgrim was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and he says he is breathing better than he has in a while. Great news, now if he can just heal up and continue to improve.
*Tomorrow at 10 a.m. is the Hope Women's Center "Walk for Life." Fredia and I will see you there if you are signed up to walk. A special thanks to all of you sponsoring a walker or for your outright donations. An unborn baby thanks you as well!
One final note...wish Patti Davis a Happy Birthday today; she is XX years old; gentlemen never tell a ladies' age!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor October 6, 2021
What part of "rainy days and Mondays" does Tuesday not understand!? Anyway, looks like we are in for more rain and that means soggy sticks around for a while.
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 and Student Ministry at 6:00 for all the kids in the community.
Make plans now to be with us on Sunday at 10 am for Sunday School and 11 am for worship. I hope to see you then.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Messages from the Pastor October 5, 2021
Welcome to the second day of the work week (for those working Monday to Friday) and I hope you are having a good week thus far.
To update you on Ken Pilgrim and my sister, Rhonda Smith...Ken is in an awful lot of pain and in all likelihood will not be going home until nearer to the weekend.
My sister's surgery went very well and now, she must overcome the pain of two surgeries and adjust to all the hardware they installed. Prayers for both are greatly needed.
Also, please pray for the Martha Gravley, Debbie Fowler and Shirley Smith families. I will be conducting at least two of the funerals over the next week or so.
Remember to make the most of every minute with your Lord, your family and your friends; none of us knows what tomorrow holds, but we do know Who holds tomorrow.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 29, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 in the auditorium and I hope you can join us either in person or by Facebook.
Don't forget this Sunday we will have our First Fellowship as our evening service. Fellowship and community is so very important to all of us and certainly enhances our sense of well-being after all we have been through over the last year and a half. I hope to see you there.
Please pray for Ken P who is headed to the hospital today. Yesterday they discovered an air pocket in his chest where one of his lungs is leaking. He will most likely be hospitalized for a while.
Also, my sister, Rhonda Smith, is having major surgery on her back both Friday and then again on Monday. The operation entails access through her abdomen on Friday then directly on her back on Monday. She will be hospitalized for about a week with intense rehab to follow.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 28, 2021
Please remember to pray for the family of Ansel Deadwyler who passed away last week after recovering from the Coronavirus. Also pray for Frances Atkinson's Great Grandson, Hayes H, who has been diagnosed with the virus as well.
Pray for each other, our community, the state and our nation because the times are perilous and many end-time Scriptures are coming to pass...particularly Matthew 24:4-28.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 27, 2021
This Thursday night is Free Food Night and we will conduct it as a "drive thru" event at 7:00 pm.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor
Message from the Pastor September 22,2021
Do not despair, the rain will not last forever. It will, however, usher in some cooler weather and let us know "Fall is in the air!"
Can you believe it, this weekend is the last weekend in September. Don't forget our Janie Chapman offering goal of $750 for local mission efforts closes out this Sunday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
We will conduct our Free Food Night on Thursday night, September 30th at 7:00 pm as a "drive thru" event.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 20, 2021
I will be out of town Wednesday through Saturday, so there will be NO Adult Bible Study on Wednesday Night. We will resume our study of the Book of 1 Peter on Wednesday, September 29th at 6:30.
This does not affect the Student Ministry which will still meet at 6:00 in the Roper Building.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist ChurchMessage from the Pastor September 17, 2021
It's Friday and I thank the Lord for the much needed rain earlier this week! I hope your week ends on a high note and we all have a chance to meet together on Sunday for worship. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 16, 2021
Please pray for the family of Wallace Curtis who died on Tuesday after an apparent drowning at Lake Jocassee. He was 85 years old and a steadfast father and grandfather whom I have known for many years.
Also, please remember to review the Nominating Committee Report in advance of Sunday's Church Conference.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 14, 2021
This Wednesday night is Student Ministry at 6:00 in the Roper Building and Wednesday Night live at 6:30 in the auditorium.
Our adult Bible study will focus on the books of 1 & 2 Peter for the next segment of our continuing verse-by-verse study of the Bible. I have titled this study "Faith in Action'' and I hope it will better equip you for life in "Post-Christian, Post-Conservative, Post-Common Sense'' America.
Remember to pray for one another and let's remember to get together for worship whenever we can.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 10, 2021
Welcome to Friday and the end of the normal work week. I hope your plans for the weekend include some time Sunday morning to join us in worship at 11:00! See you Sunday?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 9, 2021
The Pickens-Twelve Mile Baptist Association (PTMBA) is collecting monetary donations for Hurricane Ida relief throughout the month of September and forwarding them to SCBC Disaster Relief functions at the end of the month.
If you would like to make a donation to this effort, please mark your gift "SCBC Disaster Relief" and we will get it to the right place.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 8, 2021
Please continue to pray for Terry D, who is tentatively scheduled to go home on September 22 from rehab. She is still in some pain and has a long way to go between now and then.
Then also pray for George K who has been temporarily moved to respite care in Anderson.
Tonight is Student Ministry at 6 pm and Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm. We will finish the Book of Zephaniah and look to our next book study from the New Testament. When we finish this book, we will have studied verse-by-verse, 9 of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. I hope you will join us on our journey through the Bible on Wednesday Nights.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 6, 2021
Enjoy today if you are not having to work. If you are, I hope you are able to get some time off this week to spend relaxing.
Please remember to pray for the Andy Riggins Family. Andy passed away last week. Also, remember George K who now is in respite care after being found unconscious last week.
Lift up one another daily if you may; we all need all the prayers we can muster for each other.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray
"Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 3, 2021
Ah, the weekend! Since this is Labor Day weekend, I trust you will enjoy some downtime with your family and friends.
During this time of relief, remember to pray for those of your family, our church and community who have been adversely affected by the COVID plague.
Many are sick, numerous are hospitalized and others are afraid of the contagion. Lift one another up in prayer and let the world know there is a Savior!
See you Sunday!? We are back in our sanctuary this Sunday morning and in the Roper Building for the 1st Fellowship.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 2, 2021
I realize this weekend is Labor Day weekend and many of you will have plans for recreation and relaxation. I sincerely hope your activities include joining us for worship on Sunday.
We are back in our sanctuary and it really never felt so good. Please be safe in all your endeavors over the holiday. If you are traveling, be especially safe and we look forward to your safe return.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor September 1, 2021
I spoke with Terry D yesterday and she is doing well in spiteof her injuries and pain. She was supposed to be getting moved to a rehab facility in Anderson this week. She tells me she will be in rehab for at least four months learning how to walk all over again. Please continue to pray for her and all of our folks fighting COVID and other health ailments that seem to never go away.
We will have 1st Fellowship this Sunday Night as our evening service. The food theme is your favorite tailgate goodies and a drink to share with everyone. I certainly hope you can be there for this time of much needed fellowship. See you there!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 31, 2021
I hope your day is as fruitful as you need it to be; but remember, in large measure, that depends on your planning and execution of the plan. As the old saying goes; "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!"
I want to thank all of you for praying for my sister and her pending surgery. Unbeknownst to me, her surgery was postponed until sometime in October. It seems her pain is worse and the doctors are going to move down one vertebrae and this change also requires a General Surgeon since it is no longer classed as "simple back surgery" because they have to access the surgical site from the abdomen; not the back. Again, thanks.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 27, 2021
I trust your week has been a good one and you are looking forward to some R & R this weekend. We plan to meet in the Church Sanctuary for Sunday worship, but I have enjoyed the intimacy of the Roper Building since we all get to be closer to one another.
We will observe the Lord's Table during the worship service and I will not make any announcements after the service is over, so pay close attention to your bulletin.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 26, 2021
No new word on Terry D except they were unable to perform her surgery yesterday. As I get details, I will pass them along. Pray for her and several other folks who have tested positive and are quarantined for recovery.
On a lighter note, we plan to meet for worship Sunday in the Sanctuary unless something catastrophic happens.
We plan to celebrate the Lord's Table during the morning worship service. I certainly hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 25, 2021
Please continue to pray for Terry D, who is in a lot of pain. She is in surgery right now and should be done around 1:00 pm. Please continue to pray for her and her recovery. She cannot have visitors except one family member per day.
Also, Sara R (Stephen's Sister), Mack R and numerous kids and family members of the student ministry have tested positive.
Lori R has a small, solid mass in her neck and will be having a CT scan with contrast to further determine what is going on.
As I receive information, I will pass it along in an effort to keep you informed. If you hear anything, please pass it along.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing.
Message from the Pastor August 24, 2021
Good news; Patrick's and Tricia's COVID tests came back negative! I can do that kind of good news.
Due to the number of students and adults in the Student Ministry with positive COVID results and adults who are awaiting test results, we will NOT have Student Ministry this Wednesday night.
We WILL, however, have Wednesday Night Live and will meet at 6:30 in the Roper Building one last time for now.
Unless there is a change of plans, we plan to resume Sunday services in the Church sanctuary this coming Sunday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 23, 2021
PRAISE the LORD! Jackie and her daughter, Jasmine, visited our services last night and after the service, Fredia and I led Jackie to salvation in Jesus! She was baptized as a child Roman Catholic, but never fully understood it. Well, last night, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Pray for her and Jasmine as they navigate their newfound faith.
We will not have Student Ministry this week due to the rising numbers of COVID cases among the students and their families. Pray for all the kids and their families so we might see a flattening of the number of positive cases.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 19, 2021
Don't forget that tonight the Blood Connection will be conducting a blood drive in the parking lot of the church from 3 to 6 pm. all participants will receive a $20 Visa gift card. Your donation may be used to save a life so everyone is critical to someone's future.
We will still be in the Roper Building this weekend since the vestibule is not finished. The mold has been treated and it appears to all be gone, but we are awaiting the air quality survey to make a sure determination; better safe than sorry. See ya there Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 18, 2021
Wednesday Night Live will be conducted in the Roper Building tonight since the student ministry will not be using the building and to avoid the smell of disinfectant in the main church building. So those of you who can, come on to the Bible study of the book of Zephaniah, Chapter 1 tonight.
Missy McLucas is home and recovering from her surgery. Please keep her in your prayers along with the others on our prayer list and those whom you know have been diagnosed with positive COVID results.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 16, 2021
I know many of you might be scrambling to make the necessary adjustments accommodating the latest "virtual school" decision by the school district. I pray you are able to make the necessary arrangements and that your children will adjust as well.
Please remember to pray for Missy M who will be having surgery today. Also, numerous people known by those of our church have been diagnosed with the latest variant of the COVID virus. To that end, our leadership team has determined we will suspend Wednesday Night Student Ministry activities for the next two weeks (August 18 & 25), hopefully to see the number of cases among school age children decrease.
We will follow the school district decisions and keep you apprised of any changes to our meeting schedules. If you have any questions, please call your assigned Deacon or myself at 864/506-0410.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 13, 2021
Friday at last! We will be conducting our Sunday worship services in the Roper Building until further notice. It seems the mold remediation process is going to take much longer than we anticipated. So I ask for your patience as we proceed knowing the end result will be a safe, toxin-free and clean environment for worship. In spite of these minor setbacks, I long to see you Sunday!
We are now set-up for online giving through either text, credit/debit card or electronic check (e-check). Use the "Give" button or go to our Facebook "About" section for the link to make your donation of tithes or offerings.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 12, 2021
Please pray for Fancy Gosnell who is part of the Stancil family. She is recovering from a traumatic seizure and is paralyzed on one side. She is undergoing speech and physical therapy as part of her rehab.
Also, Rick Hayes' (Director of Missions) wife Amy has had a heart valve replaced successfully, but will be in ICU for a few days. Pray for her continued improvement and healing.
Special thanks to Stephen Reeves and his crew for repairing the roof over the vestibule. They did the removal and replacement job in a day and a half and it seems to be working great.
Now, we will proceed with asbestos testing results, mold remediation and air quality testing to make sure it is truly safe for us to begin using the sanctuary again.
See ya Sunday! Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 11, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live! The adults will meet in the rehearsal room for our study of Zephaniah, Chapter 1.
We are still awaiting the results of the asbestos assessment which will determine the progress of the mold remediation. Don't forget the blood drive next week on the 19th from 3 to 6 pm.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 9, 2021
Welcome to a new week and a great opportunity for new beginnings! I hope you were able to get some rest over the weekend.
Don't forget, we will have a blood donation drive at the church on August 19th from 3 to 6 pm. Also coming up is Communion on August 29th during the morning worship service.
To update everyone on the status of the church vestibule, we have had to hire an environmental firm to do an asbestos assessment before the mold remediation contractor can begin their work. This assessment should be done Monday, August 9th in the morning and I have no idea how long before we will get results. Please pray there is no asbestos in the vestibule so work may begin as soon as possible.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 6, 2021
Friday at last and I know you are ready for some downtime! I hope the weekend holds some "me time" for all of you , but please don't forget some "God time" on Sunday.
Since the mold remediation contractor is just getting started on the vestibule, we will be meeting in the Roper Building again this Sunday.
Please fill out and turn in your Nominating Committee sheet for them to use in "fleshing out" ministry efforts for the coming year.
I hope to see you Sunday at 10:00 for Sunday school or at least by 11:00 for worship.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 5, 2021 We have much to be thankful for and many to pray for. Please remember Faye Bridges who has been diagnosed with scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. She is trying to find a neurologist for consultation, so please keep her and Don in your prayers. Donnie Smith is experiencing back problems and neuropathy in his legs.
Also, remember our homebound senior saints; Hattie Mae Nations, Bryan Smith, Frances Atkinson and Edna Dillard.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 4, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live! We will meet in the Choir rehearsal room for the Adult Bible study. Students will meet in their normal class locations.
The roof over the vestibule has been removed and replaced so the mold remediation contractor is free to begin their work. I am relatively certain we will be meeting in the Roper Building this Sunday for worship services.
Thank you for your patience as we try to protect the vulnerable among us.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 3, 2021
I hope you are having a great day today and looking forward to another one tomorrow. Please continue to pray for those of our church family experiencing health issues or other concerns. For many in our congregation, church is basically all they have for someone to care for them here below.
We return to normal Wednesday night activities tomorrow night and I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor August 2, 2021
Yesterday was a great day for us as we worshipped together in the Roper Building. Some of the men surveyed the roof situation over the vestibule at the main church building and have enacted a plan of action to get it repaired. Once the roof is fixed, the contractor can then begin work on the mold situation. We will most likely be in the Roper Building again this next weekend, but I will keep you informed.
Yesterday, we voted to extend the current Deacons by one year and install David Holder as a Deacon to serve for 3 years. This will allow for continuity and training of our leadership for now and the future.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 30, 2021
Friday at last! I hope you have had a great week and are looking forward to some R & R over the weekend.
At the close of Sunday morning's worship service, we will have a Church conference for the express purpose of nominating four men to be considered for election as deacons. Two of the men nominated are to be chosen to serve as a deacon for a term of three years. I ask you to be in prayer for this process as we move forward.
Additionally, we need everyone to fill out one of the Ministry Placement forms so the Nominating Committee can place people in ministry activities of their choosing.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 29, 2021
Praise the Lord! Skylee B got saved last night on the bus ride home from the Back 2 School Bash!
We had 65 kids and 14 workers for the event and who knows how many sno cones, bags of popcorn and sticks of cotton candy were consumed along with all the pizza and chips!
Tonight at 6:30 in the church is the Student Ministry planning meeting for the upcoming church year. All interested people need to attend this meeting and gain perspective on upcoming events.
Please be praying for the Deacon Nomination process this Sunday as we prepare for the upcoming church year.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message form the Pastor July 28, 2021
One final reminder about the Back-2-School Bash for the Student Ministry tonight from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Roper Building. There will be cotton candy, sno cones, popcorn, pizza and lots of fun for the kids as they prepare to return to classes. There is a place for you to help if you avail yourself of the opportunity!
Lastly, there will be no Wednesday Night Live tonight.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 27, 2021
Just a reminder that Wednesday Night Live has been cancelled this week to allow anyone desiring to help with the Student Ministry Back-2-School Bash at the Roper Building from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. It is an "all hands on deck" affair supporting the kids as they prepare to return to classes at school.
Also, don't forget the Student Ministry meeting on Thursday night at 6:30 in the church.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 26, 2021
This will be a busy week with the Back-2-School Bash on Wednesday night from 6:00 to 7:30.
A special thanks to everyone providing backpacks with school supplies for the kids headed back to classes next week. Any additional help for this event is greatly appreciated.
There will be a Student Ministry meeting on Thursday night at 6:30 in the church. All workers and those interested in possibly helping with this ministry are invited to attend as we make plans for the coming church year.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 23, 2021
Please pray for Frances A who has been released form the hospital after suffering a minor stroke. All her tests came out good and she has no lasting side effects thus far. She is at home now and her daughter Sheila is staying with her.
We had another student saved in the Student Ministry last night on the bus ride home. Aiden accepted Jesus as his Savior last night! Praise the Lord! If this keeps up, we may have to take out a loan to pay for all the water we are using for baptisms (or start going to the lake). Can I get an AMEN?!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 21, 2021
This last Sunday, we made available Ministry Plan sign-up sheets and asked that everyone fill one out and turn it in so the Nominating Committee can continue to plan for the next church year. Your help in this matter is critical to the ministries of SMBC. Would you please take the time to grab a sheet, fill it out and drop it in the offering plate? Your response ensures our ministries are staffed and prepared for the next church year. Thanks for your cooperation!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 20, 2021
Wednesday Night Live this week begins our study of the Book of Zephaniah (Old Testament).
Then on Sunday, we have Sunday School and too many of you have quit coming to this wonderful time of Bible training. I would love for us to be able to fully reinstate our Men's, Ladies', Youth and Children's classes every Sunday morning. (Check out Six Reasons to Attend Sunday School )
Your presence is won't be disappointed.
Hope to see you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 19, 2021
I am rejoicing to know we were able to baptize an additional 3 students yesterday. Keep praying for all of them; Jenna, Rylan, Dominick, Kaleb, Kaden, Luke, Hunter and Valley!
We have a great opportunity to impact generations to come through the lives of these young people if we teach and train them now. Wow! God is so good!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 16, 2021
This past Wednesday night during Student Ministry, Kaleb B got saved! This is an overflow from VBS and the lessons learned during the five nights of Gospel messages. Pray for Kaleb and all the young adults that got saved, those who have been baptized and the 3 who will get baptized this Sunday.
I hope to see all of you this Sunday as we celebrate and worship God! Please make plans to join with your church family as we fellowship, worship and lift up Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 15, 2021
It's that time of year supplies for the kids going back to school in August. There are lists for boys and girls in various grades on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary. Please take one or more of the lists and make a kid happy they will have what they need to start school on the right note. J
July 28th is the Student Ministry "Back 2 School Bash" and we really could use some extra hands for the event. We will have inflatable "bounce houses," Snow Cones, cotton candy and popcorn along with a regular meal for all attending.
I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 14, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and we will continue as we near the end of the Book of Habakkuk.
Our next Old Testament study will focus on the Book of Zephaniah. I hope you can join us for this wonderful study.
The Student Ministry will meet and they will be starting a "New Believers" class for all who would like to attend.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 14, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and we will continue as we near the end of the Book of Habakkuk. Our next Old Testament study will focus on the Book of Zephaniah. I hope you can join us for this wonderful study. The Student Ministry will meet and they will be starting a "New Believers" class for all who would like to attend. Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 12, 2021
What a wonderful day of worship yesterday! We baptized 5 teenagers from our Student Ministry and rejoiced with them in their decision to follow Christ. Pray for them by name: Rylan Jenna Dominick Hunter Valley Pray that they will grow in the Lord. I still have two more to baptize: Caiden and Luke so pray for them too!
Also, there are lists on the bulletin board for school supplies the kids need for back to school. Please look them over or call the church and determine where you would like to help out.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 9, 2021
We had 41 for VBS last night and we have had 6 students ages 7 to 16 to get saved and 1 coming forward for a believer's baptism.
We plan to baptize 5 this Sunday and 2 on July 18th. Praise the Lord! Pray for these young people that they will be the beginning of a revival in the Six Mile community.
t is time for the people of God to stand and be known as the children of God and not of this world system.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 8, 2021
We had 48 in VBS last night!
The Student Ministry is planning a "Back 2 School" event on July 28th. More details will follow in the coming weeks. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our church to minister not only to the students, but the Six Mile Elementary School faculty and staff as well.
Please pray for Faye B who will be having an MRI today of her painful hip. Remember also our "home bound" since they are unable to be with us in services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 7, 2021
Night 3 of VBS tonight! Every night gets more and more intense as the kids learn what it means to trust God.
Another 14 year old student got saved last night and all the kids appear to be having a great time learning about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We had 40 kids for VBS last night!
Please continue to pray for Lisa A as she recovers from her surgery and Allan G who continues to suffer with kidney stone issues. Finally, remember Sara Hardin, her new baby and the family as they transition from hospital to home.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 6, 2021
Sara Hardin had her baby yesterday, July 5th. He weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce and his name is Wesley Orville Hardin. Mom and baby are doing fine. Congratulations to the Hardin Family on their new addition!
VBS again Tonight! Let your neighborhood kids know about it and hopefully, we can reach them with the Gospel!
Last night, Hunter M (one of our older students on Wednesday nights) accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior! PRAISE the Lord!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 5, 2021
VBS Tonight! I hope you are ready `cause it's here. Please pray for the teachers and workers in tonight's classes.
We really need to see some kids in the community get saved for real; not just because their friends "did it."
Pray for Lisa A's continued recovery from surgery on Friday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor July 2, 2021
Welcome to the end of the work week!
Please remember Lisa A today who is probably in surgery right now. She is supposed to go home after the procedure and we wish her the best for her recovery.
No word on Sara H yet, so she is still anxiously waiting for the delivery of her baby. See you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 29, 2021
No drought so far this summer! I hope you are enjoying the cooler temperature today and work is not overly taxing your mind.
Please keep Allan G in your prayers this afternoon while he is having his procedure at St. Francis Hospital Downtown. Hopefully, this will give him some much needed relief from the pain and discomfort.
Lisa A is scheduled to have surgery Friday and I am not sure yet if she will be kept overnight or not. Remember also Sara H as she awaits the delivery of her baby boy.
A special thanks to all of you who have signed up to participate in the Prayer Vigil tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. I firmly believe this will help to re-energize our church in this "post-pandemic" recovery. You are all in my prayers daily and I only ask God's will and His best for each of you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 28, 2021 I hope your day is going well and this week holds the promise of blessing for all of you.
Our Prayer Vigil is Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Thanks to all those who have signed up to pray either at the church or remotely at some other location.
Remember to pray for Allan G tomorrow in the afternoon when he has his procedure to remove the kidney stones. Also, keep Lisa A in prayer for her surgery on Friday, July 2nd.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 25, 2021
Friday...All that needs to be said! I hope your week ends on a positive note with your anticipation of the weekend ahead.
I hope you plan to join us for worship on Sunday; cause it just ain't the same without you!
This will be your last chance to turn in your prayer requests for the Prayer Vigil on Wednesday, June 30th. There will be no adult Bible study that night to accommodate the prayer time.
Also, if you have not signed up to be a prayer partner, this will also be your last chance to do that as well.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 24, 2021
Tonight is Free Food Night at 7 pm and I hope you might be able to join us to help the folks in our community.
Wednesday, June 30th is our 12 hour Prayer Vigil at the church. If you have not responded to your Deacon's request for prayer requests, please do so as soon as possible. We want to be able to collate all prayer needs so our volunteers have plenty of prayer cards to pray over.
One final note...Patti D's procedure was yesterday, not today and according to Reese, everything went well and she was resting at home. My mistake!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 24, 2021
Tonight is Free Food Night at 7 pm and I hope you might be able to join us to help the folks in our community.
Wednesday, June 30th is our 12 hour Prayer Vigil at the church. If you have not responded to your Deacon's request for prayer requests, please do so as soon as possible. We want to be able to collate all prayer needs so our volunteers have plenty of prayer cards to pray over.
One final note...Patti D's procedure was yesterday, not today and according to Reese, everything went well and she was resting at home. My mistake!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 22, 2021
Your prayers for Missy M are greatly appreciated! She continues to have bleeding issues and is scheduled for more procedures this week. Also, Patti D will have an out-patient procedure this week as well. Faye B has not been feeling well lately and covets your prayers as well.
Don't forget to sign-up for VBS as a volunteer and for the Prayer Vigil on June 30th. Your help is paramount the success of both!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 21, 2021
Welcome to the last week of June...already! I hope you have a good week this week and it get off to a good start today.
Please continue to pray for Allan G who came home from the hospital on Sunday morning. He still has a way to go, but hopefully, with your prayers he will do alright.
Additionally, pray for one of our neighbor, Donna B, who lost her husband Steve to Alzheimer's on Friday night.
Also, Sara H is in the last stage of her pregnancy so pray all goes well for her and the baby. Remember to pray for those unable to attend church Sunday and for our homebound seniors.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 18, 2021
I hope your week ends on a high note today! I am certainly looking forward to seeing you this Lord's day and our time of worship.
Remember those of our prayer list who continue to have recurring needs; health concerns, psychological and emotional needs as well as those with financial difficulty. Jessica Gifford is still suffering from the affects of her concussion from the automobile accident earlier this week.
See you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 17, 2021
One week from today is Free Food Night at 7:00 pm. If you know someone in need of food, let them know about our food pantry. Sunday is Father's Day and I hope you are able to worship with us Sunday at 11:00 am. There will be no evening services so you are able to spend time with Dad if possible.
Have a blessed day and blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Continue to pray for Allan G and his kidney stones issue. Also, pray for Pat P who is experiencing another blockage in one of her legs. Finally, Jessica G (Elaine Ms' daughter) was in a serious auto accident yesterday and had a concussion and bad whiplash. Her car is most likely totaled beyond repair.
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live with Student ministry at 6:00 and Adult Bible Study at 6:30. The adults are studying the third chapter of the Book of Habakkuk and will soon be moving into the Book of Zephaniah. Join us and learn things about the Old Testament you might never have heard before.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 15, 2021
As of yesterday afternoon, Allan G is still suffering with 3 kidney stones; one lodged between the kidney and the bladder and the other two still in his kidney. Please pray for him to get some relief from the pain and the formation of any future problems.
I truly believe it is time for God's people to be intentionally evangelistic; that is determined to share the Gospel with those we encounter.
One way of doing so is to ask God to let you see people as He sees them. We tend to focus on other people's activities than on the person...the driver who cut me off; the cashier with the strange hair color or even the neighbor whose name you do not know whose grass is knee deep and growing.
God sees them as sheep without a shepherd and souls for whom Jesus died. How about you? What can you and I do to be more intentional with the Gospel message?
I will share more thoughts in the next few Daily Encouragements. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 11, 2021
It is the week's end for most and for some, the beginning of a long work weekend. Regardless, you are in my prayers and I only ask for God's best for all of you! May you sense the Lord's presence and rest in the assurance of HIs love and care for you. Remember to pray for those listed in the bulletin and those mentioned in these emails.
If you are able to be with us in worship this Sunday, don't forget to sign up to participate in the Prayer Vigil on June 30th. If you are unable to physically come to the church, you may sign up for a time slot and put "remote" or "at home" by your name and your deacon will provide you with a copy of some prayer needs for you to pray over during your time slot. I hope to see you on Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 10, 2021
One more day and your work week is over. I hope you have had a productive and prosperous week thus far. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for worship services.
We are hoping to resume "normal" Sunday school classes for adult men and women in July. We plan to have a regular class for the children of the adults attending as well. If you are not attending Sunday school now, this would be a great opportunity to join us for Bible study at 10:00 a.m.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 9, 2021
I pray your day will be productive and positive in all accounts. Tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 via our church's Facebook page.
Don't forget to sign-up for the Prayer Vigil on the "clock" on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs.
Congratulations to Jamie Reynolds for winning a SC State level award for project design and management!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 8, 2021
Another day marked off the calendar and today is waiting! I hope your day goes well and all you hope for comes to pass.
Don't forget we are studying the Book of Habakkuk during Wednesday Night tomorrow night at 6:30. I hope to see you there, but if not, maybe on Facebook Live.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 7, 2021
Monday, Monday...can't trust that day! So sang the group Mamas and the Papas back in the sixties! I am sure some of you remember the song and Cass Elliot's smooth as silk voice. Anyway, I digress!
I hope you have a great week and today gets it off to a good start. Please remember to sign-up on the prayer clock for a time of prayer for your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 4, 2021
Don't forget this Sunday night is First Fellowship! Bring your favorite summer salad and a drink to share. Bring a dessert if you so desire!
Also, please remember to sign up on the prayer clock in the upstairs hallway for your thirty minute time of prayer at the church. The times will be every thirty minutes from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ending at 8 p.m. We will also need some volunteers to act as host/hostess to give out the prayer cards. See ya Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 3, 2021
Thursday! The latter half of the week and it feels like I have just gotten started! I hope your week has been good and you are able to see some things through to the finish line.
Continue to pray for one another and take good care of yourselves. See ya Sunday !
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 2, 2021
Midweek already! I hope your week is going well and you were able to get back in the groove after the Memorial Day holiday.
I had a great visit with George K yesterday and he seems to be doing much better. He is receiving physical therapy, but still has a ways to go.
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and I hope you are able to join us for our continuing study of the Book of Habakkuk, Chapter 2. If you cannot be there in person, tune in to the SMBC Facebook page at 6;30 and join us.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor June 1, 2021
Back to work! I hope all of you had a great time this weekend and were able to relax from the previous week. It is always important to remember to slow down and pace yourself so you have energy left at the end of the week to enjoy the rest it brings.
Beginning this week, your Deacon should be contacting you about your prayer needs. Please be prepared with people's names, circumstances and situations you would like to have prayed over.
Also, the Prayer Clock will be up on Sunday for you to sign up for a 30 minute time slot for prayer. There will be 24 each, 30 minute slots and each will need to be filled. I hope we can fill the slots and bathe our nation, state, community and church family in prayer.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 31, 2021
I trust you are enjoying today's respite from the usual workday blues and spending time with family and friends. Let me encourage you to take some extra time today to thank God for the families of service members who gave their all to defend our freedoms and the American way of life.
We have much to be thankful for and our gratitude will show in the way we conduct ourselves with these freedoms. Take time to thank a veteran or a Gold Star family for their selfless service to our nation and the ideals we hold so dear.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 28, 2021
Friday! One word says it all, doesn't it? I hope you have plans for rest and a little relaxation this weekend and have set aside time to join us in worship Sunday.
Continue to pray for those on our prayer list and friends and family in need of intercession. George K has been moved to the AnMed Rehab facility in Anderson and is uncertain of how long he will be there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 27, 2021
This afternoon is the Blood Drive for Blood Connection from 3-7 pm at the church. Then, at 7 pm we have Free Food Night downstairs in the large hallway. We will do prayer requests, have a devotion and then distribute the food boxes.
I informed you yesterday about a need for someone to sit with Ella Mae J from 10 am to Noon on Friday, May 30th. I hope someone was able to fulfill that request for help. Sunday's coming...hope to see you then! Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from Pastor May 26, 2021
Now I am back on my regular schedule. I hope all is well with all of you and the day is off to a good start.
Tonight we have Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm in the Book of Habakkuk and Student Ministry at 6:00. I hope you can join us either in person or by Facebook Live on the Six Mile Baptist Church page.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 25, 2021
Please continue to pray for Ella Mae J as she continues her recovery at home. According to Rex, she is doing much better and is undergoing therapy at the house.
I also ask that you pray for Stephen R's sister Hannah and her husband as they await some necessary documents from Myanmar allowing him to stay in the country.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 24, 2021
Well, we are back in the saddle! We traveled approximately 6,000 miles, covered eight states and saw some spectacular wonders of God! So glad to be back and look forward to seeing all of you at one time or another.
Please pray for George K who fell last Friday; fractured two ribs and has a nasty head wound. He is in a great deal of pain and the doctors cannot figure out what is causing some of the pain. He is at AnMed and will be moved to a regular room tomorrow.
Also, pray for Bonnie W and her husband Stu as she battles cancer. Frances A fell the other day but is doing ok. Betty G is continuing to recover from throat surgery and appears to be doing well.
Continue to pray for one another and in lifting each other up, be lifted up as well.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray
"Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Church May 15, 2021
Guest preacher, Jimmy Watt will preach both services tomorrow.
Please keep Pastor Ray and Fredia in your prayers as they travel while on vacation. We sure have been missing Pastor Ray's Dailey Encouragements---here's one from May 2020:
May 21, 2020 (republishedMay 2021) BE Still
“Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
Most scholars believe this psalm was composed in the aftermath of God’s delivering the Israelites from Sennacherib’s army. This deliverance occurred after the siege of Jerusalem that ended when the angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.
Martin Luther’s famous hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” took its starting point from this mighty, moving Hebrew song that proclaims the sufficiency of God for the crises of life. This robust psalm, defiant of God’s enemies, moves beyond the local situation that may have inspired it, to universal principles. Its great value, however, is the word it speaks to individuals to have faith in God’s protecting hand and ample resources. It proclaims the ascendancy of God in three areas.
God has power over the forces of nature. Because communication technology, news of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and other tragedies reach our ears instantly. We live in the face of grim reality, often seeing innocent people victimized by these terrible events. We must remember, that God has ultimate control of these forces.
He limits them and only allows them to go so far and no further. We must not surrender our faith when we are confronted with tragedies we cannot understand or explain. Continued faith will produce courage. God controls this world and will never turn it over to chance. God has power over those who attack His strongholds. When God’s citadel, Jerusalem, was attacked God responded by protecting His Temple on earth.
Though they have their shortcomings, the institutions of our religious faith are important. God ultimately protects His Word for how else can you explain its longevity down through the ages? God’s people need to trust Him, continuing to believe in the integrity of His Word.
God has control over the whole warring world. What does a Christian do when they see the nations of the world moving toward what seems to be an inevitable war that will bring universal destruction to the human race?
The psalmist says, “He maketh wars to cease” and we know this to be true. Yet, wars continue to arise. We must realize peace can only come when people have peace in their hearts, and this comes only through Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
The psalmist cries out, “Be still!” If God be for us, who can be against us?
Message from the Pastor May 7, 2021
Finally Friday! I know some of you wait for Friday's like waiting for a tax refund; with great anticipation.
Anyway, Fredia and I are leaving for vacation Saturday evening and will return on May 21st. In my absence, Patrick will be preaching and conducting services on Mother's Day and Jimmy Watt will preach both services the following Sunday. I trust both of them will follow the Lord's leading and share the Word with you that meets a need.
If you have a need for pastoral care why we are away, please contact your assigned Deacon or the Deacon of the Week posted in the bulletin. There will be no Daily Encouragement for the next two weeks while we are out of town.
Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms of SMBC! You are the best!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 6, 2021
Happy Thursday! I hope your week has been a good one so far and promises to end on a high note.
We had 41 students for the Student Ministry last night! Please pray for Don and Faye B who are both experiencing some health concerns. George K is in a lot of pain from his fall last weekend and Ella Mae J is in Oconee Hospital for some diagnostic procedures associated with her MS.
Please remember to pray for one another and make every opportunity to lift each other up.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 5, 2021
Welcome to the middle of the week! Tonight is Wednesday Night Live via the SMBC Facebook page at 6:30. Also tonight, Student Ministry at 6:00, starting with the meal in the Roper Building.
Here is the link for the Note Taker for Habakkuk, Chapter 2, which will begin tonight.
During my vacation, I will not be doing the Wednesday Night Live services. After tonight's service, we will resume on May 26 at 6:00 and I hope you can attend or tune in.
On that note, Rev. Jimmy Watt will be preaching for me both services on May 16th. I would greatly appreciate it if you would make a special effort to support him for both services. Jimmy is still recovering from prostate cancer surgery and treatments and I am certain you will glean something meaningful from both of his messages.
Finally, please pray for Patti's continued recovery, George's healing from the broken rib and bruising and then I found out yesterday afternoon that Ella Jones is in Oconee Hospital with complications from her MS. Pray for her recovery and return home as soon as possible.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 4, 2021
I hope you are doing well today!
Please remember George K and Patti D in your prayers today. George went to the Emergency Room yesterday and was diagnosed with a broken rib as a result of his fall on Sunday and a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Patti had her oral surgery on Monday afternoon and according to Reese, all went well and she was resting. If there are any updates, I will pass them along to you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor May 3, 2021
We had a great time of fellowship last night with lots of good food and desserts...Oh the desserts!
Anyway, remember Patti Davis today when she has oral surgery this afternoon. Also, please continue to pray for George Kessler, Bobby Shope, Allison (Mac Ramey's granddaughter), Margaret Wooten, and for one another.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 30, 2021
I have a praise report to share with you today. My follow-up appointment with Dr. Siegle, the hematologist, went extremely well! My recent CT scan shows no clotting, all arteries and veins appear clear, bloodwork is as near perfect as you could want, he is taking me off the anti-coagulation (blood thinner) medicine and last, but certainly not least, he doesn't want to see me again! Praise the Lord!
I hope your week ends on just as positive a note as mine did. Remember to pray for one another and those on our prayer lists.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 29, 2021
SMBC is hosting Free Food tonight at 7:00 pm.
Anyone interested in helping should be there by 6:45 pm. Please continue to pray for one another and the people listed in our bulletin and those named in these emails.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 28, 2021
Welcome to midweek..already! I hope your week is going well and life is good.
--Tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 and Student Ministry at 6:00. --Tomorrow night is Free Food Night at 7:00 and if you would like to help, please be there by 6:45. --Finally, the Student Ministry has an activity this Friday night from 6:30 to 9:00 pm.
Please pray for: -Missy McLucas who continues to have female health concerns and -Donnie Smith has been experiencing extreme back pain and difficulty walking.
And one last thing, I would like to wish my sister, Rhonda Smith a Happy Birthday today. She is &@ years old...not bad for someone born the year of JFK's election to the Presidency!
Message from the Pastor April 27, 2021
I hope all is well with you and this week is progressing well for you.
The Student Ministry bonfire will be at Stephen and Priscilla's house located at 142 Stewart Road, Six Mile, on Friday night from 6:30 to 9:00 pm.
Continue to pray for Susan Alexander and her family in the passing of her mother along with the Wanda McAllister and Jarvis Donald families.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 23, 2021
It seems to me like it was just Friday of last week and here it is again! Well, I will not complain about it being Friday except that all the other days seem to fly by.
I hope to see you in worship services on Sunday. I have a very special message that I feel is extremely relevant to our times.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 22, 2021
As our nation continues to deal with issues that divide, we can build bridges of reconciliation to those who feel left out, forsaken and forgotten.
Be the love of Christ to someone today and let them experience true love and friendship. Please, don't do this simply because your Pastor asks it of you, do it because our Lord and Savior commands it; "Love your neighbor as yourself!"
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 21, 2021
Midweek! I know you are already looking forward to the weekend and so am I. Make the best of the remaining days and the weekend will be all the sweeter.
Remember Wednesday Night Live tonight at 6:30 on the Six Mile Baptist Facebook Page.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 20, 2021
I just want you to know what a privilege it is to be your pastor! I thank God everyday for the opportunity to serve Him through the ministry of Six Mile Baptist Church.
I hope that as we move deeper into 2021, we will have a greater impact on Six Mile and surrounding communities than ever before. Will you join me in making that a reality? I look forward to serving the Lord arm-in-arm with you!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 19, 2021
It was so good to see you on Sunday for Worship! I hope all is well this Monday morning. Bruce L got to go home Sunday and we can continue to pray for him. Please remember the Wanda McAllister Family in prayer for her services tomorrow in Travelers Rest.
Thanks to all of you attending the Vision Service last night and for your inputs for ministry and missions opportunities for SMBC. Now, we need to roll up our sleeves and make these things happen. That will take a concerted effort on everyone's part, so jump in and hang on!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 16, 2021
Friday...need I say more! I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend.
Remember the Visioning Service for Sunday Night to let "your voice be heard" regarding future ministry opportunities at SMBC.
I do not have an update on Bruce Lowery but will send out a "flash notice" when I do. Stay safe and be careful. I sincerely hope to see you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 15, 2021
Good morning! I hope you had a great day yesterday and today is promising as well.
Please pray for Bruce L who is at the AnMed Hospital in acute pain with a possible bowel obstruction. They are keeping him for observation today and as yet, Becky is uncertain of their intentions.
Don't forget Sunday night's service is a visioning service to lay some groundwork for SMBC ministry for the remainder of this year. The service will start at 6:00 p.m. and I hope you can be there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 14, 2021
Welcome to mid-week and I hope your week has been a good one so far.
I have to apologize to everyone about the Facebook broadcast on Sundays. We are experiencing some sort of malfunction with the broadcast platform that we thought was resolved. A thorough a test was conducted last Saturday night and everything worked well. Sunday morning came and as soon as the broadcast was to begin, it went down and the screen indicated "Technical Difficulties." I assure you we will continue to work on this and hopefully correct the problem unless the broadcast is being censored by the platform administrators. In light of this, I hope you have a blessed day!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 9, 2021
Friday and the end of the traditional work week. I hope you have some plans for rest and relaxation for the weekend and can carve out some time to join us for worship on Sunday at 11 a.m.
Please pray for Missy M who was to receive a unit of blood yesterday to restore her hemoglobin levels to normal. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 8, 2021
It's already Thursday and where has the week gone? Please pray for Missy M who was rushed to the hospital yesterday and it was determined her hemoglobin was low. She is scheduled to get a blood transfusion today at AnMed in Anderson.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 7, 2021
Just a reminder there will be no Student Ministry or Wednesday Night Live tonight. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday, April 11th.
Bryan Smith says "hey" to all of you and also that he misses seeing all of you. He is doing well and just misses being in church.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4d
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 6, 2021
A phone call today let us know that Priscilla and baby Eleanor are doing fine after the baby's 1 week checkup earlier today. Please continue to pray for them and as they adjust to another child in the house.
Also, I found out today that my sister, Rhonda Smith in Ohio, will not need surgery to correct her back problems. The doctors are satisfied they can treat her with pain management and physical therapy for which I am very glad.
I hope all of you receiving this are well and if there is a prayer concern you have, please reply to me and I will pray for you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 5, 2021
Thank you for a very meaningful and joyful time in worship yesterday! I hope you had time to spend with family on Easter Sunday afternoon. For me, it was a relaxing time with family and friends along with more food than should be legally allowable!
There will be no Wednesday Night Live or Student Ministry this week. Normal service schedules will resume Sunday, April 11th with the morning worship service. See you then!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor April 2, 2021
Today is "Good" Friday and I hope the message from last Sunday still reminds you of the events of this day almost two-thousand years ago. It would be a great thing to spend some reflective time today thanking the Lord for all He endured that fateful day so long ago.
Remember, Sunday Services begin at 1030 a.m. and there will be no Evening Service.
Also, don't forget to place a bunch of flowers on the cross in the front lawn of the church. It is looking so beautiful already!
Stephen and Priscilla and Baby Eleanor are at home and all are well.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 31, 2021
Just a reminder there will be no Student Ministry tonight and no Wednesday Night Live. We will, however, have choir rehearsal at 6:30 in the auditorium. See you then.
Please pray for my sister, Rhonda Smith who has been diagnosed with acute sciatica. I am certain she is in much pain as those of you with this ailment are aware. A close friend of Becky Lowery, Jay, fell off a ladder and fractured an ankle and is in a cast for it. If this does not work, they will have to do surgery. Finally, pray for the Reeves family and their new baby.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 30, 2021
Keep Priscilla, Stephen and Baby R in your prayers. The baby was born last night after a day in the hospital. All are doing well.
Remember, there will be no Wednesday Night Live or Student Ministry this week so the choir can rehearse for Sunday morning worship. "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 29, 2021
What a wonderful time of worship yesterday! I hope you enjoyed our time together as much as I did.
I am looking forward to Resurrection Sunday and another opportunity to be with family and friends. Remember to pray for those who will be traveling over the Spring Break to visit family or never before visited locations; I look forward to your safe return.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 26, 2021
Happy Friday! The weekend is here at the end of this day and I hope you have plans to join us on Sunday at 10:00 for Sunday School and at 11:00 for worship. I look forward to seeing you on Sundays and knowing you are well.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 24, 2021
Welcome to Wednesday morning and the promise of another day. If you drive by the church, you will see a new cross has been erected in preparation for Easter services.
The cross has been wrapped with chicken wire allowing you to affix a bundle of artificial flowers to the cross. Please feel free to come anytime between now and Easter morning to place a floral bouquet of your choosing on the cross. Flowers in Spring are a symbol of the resurrection, so let's remind everyone that Jesus has arisen and it can be Easter everyday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 25, 2021
I hope your week is going well in spite of the recurring rain and wind. But, I guess that's Spring for you and we can't have the flowers of Spring without the rains. Besides, I am certain God knows what He's doing!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 23, 2021
One Sunday and then it is Easter! I wonder if there is any way we can break our high attendance for the last year. If everyone claiming SMBC as their home church can be there for worship services on Easter Sunday, we might be able to do it.
Services will start at 10:30 a.m. with no Sunday school and no evening service. I sincerely hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 22, 2021
What a wonderful day of worship yesterday! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share the Word with you and your worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor March 19, 2021
Welcome to Friday and the end of the work week for most. I trust the weekend will have some time for rest and recovery from the rigors of this past week. I hope to see you on Sunday for worship at 11:00 a.m. and maybe even for the 6:00 p.m. service.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the pastor March 15, 2021
Welcome to Monday and I hope your day is off to a great start!
Remember the Work Day scheduled for this Saturday from 8 am to Noon. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Your Walk Tells March 13, 2021
“Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;” Philippians 1:27
"That man must have been in the army, or in a military school," I said to a friend once. "Yes," he said; "how did you know?" "By the way he walks." You can tell that some people have been with Jesus by their walk.
What does your “walk” say about you? What does it say about the Lord Jesus Christ?
While our personal reputation is very important, the reputation of our Lord is paramount to all else.
Is your life a reflection of Christ in you or is the image distorted and unclear for all to see? For it is that which saves and we must hope our life points to the only source of salvation; Christ!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Message from the Pastor March 12, 2021
Friday at last! Glad you made it to the end of the week and I hope today holds the promise of a little rest and relaxation this weekend.
Fredia and I will not be at church for Sunday School this Sunday so we can see our son-in-law and Grandson Micah get baptized in the early service at their church. We will be there for the worship service and we certainly hope to see you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 11, 2021
One more day after today and it's the weekend. I hope your week is going well.
Please pray for some long time friends of Dave and Janet Benton; Stu and Bonnie A. She was diagnosed this week for pancreatic cancer. We don't know any other details, but will apprise you as they develop.
See ya Sunday? I hope so!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 9, 2021
Tuesday! A beautiful day on the way and another day of grace and mercy for them that love the Lord. I sincerely hope your day is filled with goodness and opportunities to show the love of God all.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 8, 2021
Good Monday morning to all of you. I hope this week holds great things in store for you!
As Priscilla Reeves approaches her baby girl's delivery date, we must all remember her and the baby in prayer.
Also, don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD Saturday night before going to bed or you will be waking up as we sing the opening hymn on Sunday morning.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 5, 2021
Welcome to the Friday edition and I hope the weekend promises some downtime for you and your family.
I would love to see everyone possible for the Baptism service on Sunday and just because I would love to see you! Here's to the weekend and the blessings God has for you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 4, 2021
As Christians, we are called to pray for our nation; specifically those in authority over us. We must also pray for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and for the lost to be converted. I hope your prayer life reflects these imperatives and you sense a more urgent need every day.
I am especially distressed that the largest Christian adoption agency in America (Bethany Christian Services) has succumbed to governmental pressure and agreed to begin placing children in LGBTQ homes as a national initiative.
Are you willing to take a stand against such tactics and measures? Slowly, one by one, our Biblical standards of character, integrity, righteousness and honesty are going to be challenged by those seeking to make our nation free of Christina influence. Something to pray about.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 3, 2021
Don't forget that tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 on the Six Mile Baptist Church Facebook channel. We will continue our study of the first chapter of the Book of Nahum.
Please pray for a friend of mine's wife, Wanda McAllister, who has been estimated to have about two weeks to live.
Also, pray for the seniors who are eligible for their second shots that they will not have a negative reaction and will soon be able to return to our worship services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 2, 2021
I hope your Monday was a great one and Tuesday is looking just as good.
Thank you for your prayers for my Brother-in Law, Scott Dare who had hernia surgery and went home without any complications.
Please pray for Charles Stancil's aunt, Ruth Stancil, and her daughter Pam Hendricks who were in a violent car accident on Sunday. Both are in the hospital with multiple injuries and fractures.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor March 2, 2021
Once again, thank you for the recognition yesterday and for the privilege to serve you and our community. I hope the Lord will allow us to serve together for a good while yet.
Today's Daily Encouragement ( gets to the heart of the matter in serving the Lord. I hope it moves you to doing whatever the Lord asks of you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 26, 2021
I hope you are anticipating the weekend since today kicks it off at closing time!
I have a praise report about my brother-in-law, Scott Dare...his PET scan reveals that he is cancer free!! Thank you for your prayers on his behalf and please continue to pray for his hernia surgery on Monday.
Many of our congregation have been able to get their first and some their second COVID vaccine, so I am certainly looking forward to seeing you all again!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 25,, 2021
Last night we began the Book of Nahum during Wednesday Night Live and we made it as far as Chapter 1, verse 5. I hope you will be able to join us for this informative look at history and culture preceding the fall of Nineveh in 612 BC.
Tonight, we will have Free Food Night at 7:00 pm and it will be conducted as a "drive through" event.
Have a blessed and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 24, 2021
Hope your week is off to a good start and you are looking forward to every day.
Please keep Scott Dare in your prayers as he found out yesterday he must have an urgent surgery to repair an abdominal hernia on Monday, March 1st.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 22, 2021
Yesterday we had our highest attendance in almost a year of pandemic distress with 50 in attendance! A special thanks to everyone there. I hope those of you awaiting vaccines will soon be able to join us for worship and fellowship on Sundays as well.
Please remember a few folks in your prayers this week. Scott D has a PET scan today to determine whether or not his cancer is gone or not. Patrick's dad, Ricky H is having a tough time with the hormone treatments for his cancer. Our grandson, Micah Smith, should be arriving home this week from Texas.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 19, 2021
I hope your week ends on a positive note and the weekend holds the promise of some rest and relaxation.
Remember to save some time for a family gathering for worship on Sunday at 11:00. Hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 17, 2021
Wednesday Night Live via Facebook tonight at 6:30 and Student Ministry at 6:00.
Remember, this Sunday is the final day to get your donations in for the Shelter of Hope homeless shelter in Pickens.
Please keep Dave B in your prayers as he recovers from surgery yesterday. He is at home and all went well with the is the recovery phase. Also, Karen K has not been feeling well and is staying in to care for herself.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 16, 2021
Tuesday, Tuesday! I hope you are having a better day today that yesterday and a better day in the Lord today as well.
Please remember David B today as he has an appendectomy and should be home by early afternoon. Also, if you will, pray for our grandson, Micah Smith, who is in the middle of the winter storm taking Texas by the horns (no power and sub-freezing temperatures).
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor
Message from the Pastor February 16, 2021
Tuesday, Tuesday! I hope you are having a better day today that yesterday and a better day in the Lord today as well.
Please remember David B today as he has an appendectomy and should be home by early afternoon. Also, if you will, pray for our grandson, Micah Smith, who is in the middle of the winter storm taking Texas by the horns (no power and sub-freezing temperatures).
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor
Message from the Pastor February 15, 2021
Welcome to Monday and the beginning of another work week. I hope you had a restful weekend and were able to get a lot of things done that needed your attention.
We had a great time in worship yesterday and I am thankful for our time together. It was great to get to see Katie and Taylor's new baby, Charlotte for the first time!
Please pray for the Putnam family (Daughter of Roy and Sandy Knight), George Kessler, Connie (cancer) and Linda M (COVID and in ICU). Remember one another in prayer daily.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church Message from the Pastor February 12, 2021
Friday's here and Sunday is just around the corner. I hope your week was a good one and you are ready to enjoy the weekend. I hope your weekend plans include worship with us at SMBC.
Beginning on Sunday, February 21st at 6 pm, we will begin a series of messages on "The Lord's Prayer" from Matthew 5-7 and Luke 11. I hope you make plans to join us.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 11, 2021
Our mission project for the month of February is "Share the Love" for the Shelter of Hope in Pickens. This is a homeless shelter that can always use additional help with toiletries, towels and raincoats with hoods.
We will collect these items through February 21st and deliver them the last week of February. Your help in this opportunity will make life a little easier for someone who could use some encouragement.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 9, 2021
I hope all is well and the week is off to a good start. Several folks were added to our prayer list Sunday night so here they are:
Ty and Wanda M. she has cancer and is now at the Hospice House in Simpsonville. Reese Davis has heart valve replacement on Wednesday. Allen R has colon cancer with no determination yet on the prognosis. Frances A is slowly trying to adjust to life without Clarence after 67 years.
Have blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 8, 2021
So glad to see those of you brave enough to venture out yesterday morning! To those of you at home, we prayed for you and trust all is well.
Please continue to pray for Allan G as he recovers at home from COVID. Keep Reese Davis in your prayers this week; especially on Wednesday when he has surgery to replace a heart valve and will be inpatient for at least one night.
If you see any of the many county employees today, thank them for clearing the roads and ensuring that Fire, Rescue, Law Enforcement and EMS were able to respond as needed to emergency situations.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 5, 2021
Friday! Need I say more; except for those of your working this weekend? Well, I hope you have time to enjoy your time away from work and then carve out some time to be with us in worship on Sunday.
This Sunday, we will have the second part of our three part series on "The Church...The Bride of Christ" and I hope you will be there.
Continue to pray for Allan G as he recovers from COVID. Also, please add a friend of mine, Allan R, who just found out he has colon cancer. Pray for him and his wife Darla as they navigate their options and upcoming doctor's visits.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 4, 2021
Thursday's here and Friday's a coming! I hope you are all having a good week.
Pray for Pat Pi who is experiencing severe hip and back pain. Allan G is still in quarantine and Bethany R has had a painful reaction to her second COVID vaccine.
I apologize to those of you who tuned in for Wednesday Night Live only to find NO Wednesday Night Live. I opted to not do the service so I could focus on the funeral service for Lori Rash's mother and not test chance by trying to get back in time for the service given traffic and road conditions. The only thing is, I forgot to mention it to you! Have a blessed day and be a blessing.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 2, 2021
Welcome to Tuesday and I hope your week is off to a good start. I have some prayer needs for you to add to your daily routine: Allan G has tested positive for COVID and will be quarantined at home.
George K has had three units of blood to bring him back to an acceptable level of hemoglobin and should be back at his apartment at Legacy.
Continue to pray for Lori Rash's family and her mother's funeral on Wednesday.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor February 1, 2021
I have for you a couple of prayer requests today to think about. First, remember Lori Rash's family and the upcoming funeral of her mother, Shirley Ball, on Wednesday.
Then the pastor of Judah Church in Anderson, Scott King, has had COVID now for a couple of weeks and does not seem to be any better.
Finally, our grandson, Micah Smith, at Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
Lift up one another in prayer as often as you can. The days grow shorter for the Second Coming; let's all pray for strength to endure and be faithful.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January, 29, 2021
This weekend we premier our February Mission Project, Share the Love, as an opportunity to meet the needs of homeless people in Pickens County.
There is an insert in Sunday's bulletin outlining the project and the needs of the Shelter of Hope in Pickens.
Please take the time to read the information and pray about how you and your family can be involved in this local mission project. We will collect your donations throughout the month of February and take them to the shelter once all donations are received.
Pray for Reese Davis' heart cath procedure today. Sheila Morris' brother, Terry, is battling Multiple Myeloma and needs our continued prayers.
Finally, pray for George Kessler who was rushed to the AnMed Hospital last night for apparent chest pains and all I know as of now is that he is stable. I will pass on any updates I get.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 27, 2021
Welcome to Wednesday and I hope your week is going well. We will continue our study in the Book of James tonight during Wednesday Night Live at 6:30.
Please pray for the Marilyn Allen Family (wife of former Pastor, Ray Allen). Her services are being held at 1st Baptist Church in Easley, with visitation at 1:00 pm and memorial service at 2:00 pm.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 26, 2021
I hope you are able to dry out today after a dreary day of rain yesterday. Tomorrow night is Wednesday Night Live and we will be continuing the last section of the Book of James. Join us at 6:30 on Facebook for a time of study and discussion.
I am proud to say, my grandson Micah, is now the fourth generation of my family to serve in the United States Armed Forces. We wish him all the best and God's providence in completing his Basic Military Training and Advanced Language School.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 25, 2021
"Monday, Monday...can't trust that day!"
So sang the Mamas and the Papas back in the sixties or early seventies. Well, one thing is for certain, you can't start the week without Monday. I hope yours is a good one and you are off to a good start of a great week. Like the saying of old; "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"
Please remember Reese Davis this week since he will be having numerous tests and a heart cath on Friday. He is facing surgery for a heart valve replacement as soon as the procedure can be scheduled.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Update from the Pastor January 23, 2021
Just a note to let you know that we have corrected the situation with our camera used for the live feed on Facebook of our services.
Please tune in for our usual high quality broadcast Sunday morning at 11:00 am. I hope to "see" you then.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 22, 2021
Happy Friday! I hope your week ends on a positive note and you are able to enjoy some "downtime" this weekend. I sincerely desire that some of your time this weekend is joined with us in worship Sunday morning at 11:00 am. I don't know about you, but after a week of labor and pressure, I need time with my Christian family in worship.
Remember the Stancil family today as they say farewell to Edith. I will be selfish for a moment and ask you to remember my grandson, Micah Smith, who leaves on Monday for Basic Training and Russian Language School in the US Air Force. In case you can't tell, I am exceptionally proud of him and simply ask God for him to be safe and remember who he is in Christ.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 21, 2021
I hope you have survived the onslaught of political coverage on the news yesterday. Just know that we need to pray for one another, now more than ever.
Speaking of prayer, remember the Stancil family in the death of Charles' mother, Edith Stancil. Her services are tomorrow at 2:30 pm at the Liberty Mortuary Chapel with a private graveside service to follow.
I offer special thanks to those of you providing the Noon meal for the family.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 20, 2021
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and we will continue in our study of James Chapter 5. Tune in at 6:30 pm for a "play-by-play of this final chapter of The Sermon Epistle.
Please remember Sandra and Charles Stancil in your prayers. Charles' mother, Edith Stancil, passed away yesterday morning and today at 1:00 a.m.
Sandra will say farewell to her sister and best friend, Jeanette Stephens. Her brother and sister-in-law are doing some better with the virus.
Lift one another up in prayer cause I don't think there is much else we can do with this COVID being what it is.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday! As we survey the beauty and majesty of God's creation, may we remember just how much He loves each of us. He calls on us to love each other with the same kind of love; a selfless and sacrificial love made possible through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Please remember the family of Jim Pitts who passed away this weekend from COVID; Joyce Stewart's niece's husband who is in the hospital with COVID; Rex Jones' sister Roberta is on morphine for her brain cancer; Sandra Stancil's sister Jeanette Stephens passed away last night and Sandra's brother and sister-in-law, Garland and Linda both have COVID with Linda in ICU; and finally, Lori Rash's mother, Shirley B, who is in a lot of pain and on lots of medications.
We all know someone, somewhere who is suffering either physically or emotionally and in need of the prayers of their Christian family. Please be faithful to intercede on their behalf and share their needs as you can.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 18, 2021
I hope and pray you are having a great day so far today! Please continue to pray for Reese Davis who was diagnosed with some fluid in his lungs and around his heart. Also, pray for Pastor Jim Brooks and his family after the death of his wife from COVID.
It was great to see those of you able to be with us in worship yesterday and I hope to see the rest of you soon. Many are getting appointments for the vaccine and I am hopeful that will help many of you return to worship services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 15, 2021 I hope this past week has been good to you and you are ready for the weekend. This Sunday night, we will resume our Bible Study Outrageous Justice by going over the study questions from last Sunday night's video.
I hope you are able to join us for the study. Until then, I sincerely hope you can join us on Sunday morning at 11:00 for worship.
Please pray for Charles S's mother. Edith, who is 96 years old and now on Hospice care at home. Also, pray for Sandran S's sister Jeanette who has been moved to the Cottingham Hospice House in Seneca.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 14, 2021
I hope those of you that are eligible have been able to schedule your appointment for the COVID vaccine. If not, it will probably be a while before you can get the shot. Just continue taking care of yourselves and being careful about your movements and environments.
I am again sending the notetaker (link below) for the Wednesday Night Live services. Next Wednesday night we will begin James 5:7-20 and when we finish that study, we will move back into the Old Testament with a study of the Book of Nahum.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 13, 2021
Hooray! Katie and Taylor M were able to bring Charlotte home yesterday after spending a couple of weeks in the NICU. Congrats to the family and now Bailee Ann can see her new baby sister up-close-and-personal and proud grands Allan, Tricia, Ronnie and Sheila finally get to hold her!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 12, 2021
Tomorrow night is Wednesday night live and I hope you are able to attend either in person or virtually.
Here's the Note Taker link so you will be able to follow along.
Continue to pray for our sick folks and lift up those who are homebound.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 11, 2021
It was so good to see those of you who braved the beautiful weather yesterday and come to church. It is always my pleasure to spend even a small amount of time with you regardless of the circumstances. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for Patti and Reese D, Pierce Womack and Robin A's family who have also tested positive for COVID.
Hopefully little Charlotte M will get to come home in 1-2 more weeks. Pray for Katie and her daily commute to Greenville to see her baby.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 8, 2021
Friday! Need I say anything more? Hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to a little rest and relaxation.
I sincerely hope some of the "rest" you participate in involves worship with us on Sunday. I have a sermon which is a synopsis of what I think has happened in our great nation to cause the civil unrest we have been experiencing in America (The United States of the Offended).
How's that for a teaser! See ya Sunday?
Have a blessed day and be a blessing.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 7, 2021
I hope you have your milk and bread! But then again, the stores are probably already about sold out since there is a forecast of the possibility of snow in the area.
Why is it we will make preparations in the event of a possibility predicted by humanity but will ignore the very Word of God which is proven true and true, time and again? That's a "head scratcher" for me!
I hope you have a good day and should the snow and/or ice come, be prepared and stay safe. I hope to see you Sunday!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 6, 2021
I hope and pray you are having a good week so far this week. Don't forget to lift up each other in prayer throughout the course of the week in obedience to the scriptural command to pray or one another.
Pray especially for the Student Ministry tonight as they resume their normal activities at 6:00 pm.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 5, 2021
Wednesday Night Live is tomorrow night at 6:30 and I hope to "see" you there. We will be continuing in the book of James with this section concluding with Chapter 5, verse 6.
Please remember to pray for our folks that have "quarantined" themselves until a COVID vaccine is available; Donnie & Susan S, Don & Faye B, Rex and Ella J, Hattie Mae N, Frances A and others you may be familiar with. Also continue to pray for Lori R's mother, Shirley B.
One final note, we will begin the Outrageous Justice Bible/video study this Sunday night at 6:00 pm.
We cannot broadcast the service via Facebook due to Copyright issues with the video and the materials.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor January 4, 2021
Thank you for your response to the "Baby Basket Blessing" for Taylor and Katie Martin. We will leave the basket for your gifts through the month of January. It should be about that time that Charlotte may get to come home from the hospital. Pray for the family as they try to balance the needs of work, home, Bailee Ann and daily trips to the hospital to check on the baby.
Remember to pray for one another as we enter into the New Year with its usual uncertainties. We do, however, have one certainty...God is still on the Throne and in total control!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor January 1, 2021
Happy New Year! I sincerely hope 2021 is better in many ways than 2020, but mere optimism will not make it happen. We must ensure we follow the Lord this year closer than we did the previous year and do more of what He wants than before.
I trust you will be wiser this year than before and exercise restraint when needed and let loose when it is appropriate.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for worship. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 31, 2020
Today is the last day of the year.
In Pacific Rim nations, today is the day they strive to make sure they have settled all indebtedness, regardless of the amount or the entity holding the debt.
For you and me, I am certain we can't do that financially, but we can do that spiritually. We can gain forgiveness and grant forgiveness for the wrongs of this year that might have gone undone or unnoticed.
Let me challenge you to take the time to reflect over this past year and "square up" with someone you might have overlooked.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 30, 2020
Katie M went home yesterday but little Charlotte had to stay in the NICU. No word on how long she will be there, but pray for Katie and Taylor as they commute to see their precious little girl. We will have a "Baby Box" for them at church this Sunday for you to bless them with gifts of our love.
Remember one another in prayer during this time of year when it seems so many people are sick themselves or grieved at the recent death of loved ones.
Prayer is the most effective way to offset the gloom of the weather outside and the raging storms inside.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 29, 2020
By now you should have heard that Katie had her baby, Charlotte; the baby weighed 4 lbs. 14 oz. and is in the NICU. Both are doing well and we need to pray all continues to go well for both of them. We will have a "Baby Box" for the family at the front of the Sanctuary this coming Sunday for you to bless them with baby needs. They are registered at Target and I am certain they will need some "preemie" stuff when Charlotte comes home.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 28, 2020
Here it is, the last week of the year and New Year's is just around the corner! As the song goes; "Count your blessings!"
Please continue to remember Katie M; her family and her unborn baby girl in your prayers throughout the day today.
As this Daily Encouragement goes, prayer is the most effective tool we have in our arsenal of faith. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Tonight at 6:30 pm is Candlelight Communion. A very intimate and relaxed service and I hope you are able to join us. If not, I understand the needs of families during this especially busy time of the year and pray you will have a good time with them.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 23, 2020
Here's hoping you have had a great week so far since today is the midpoint of the week. Remember to keep praying for those we have mentioned in this column already this week.
Christmas Eve Communion is THURSDAY night at 6:30 and I hope to see you there if you can make it. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
"Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 22, 2020
Please remember the Atkinson Family today when we have a service of remembrance for Clarence at 1 pm.
Also, pray for Tricia G whose COVID-19 test came back positive. She will be quarantined during Christmas and it will impact time with the family. Pray for all of the Garrett clan during this time.
Also, I just found out today that Ken D is due to be released from the hospital after 10 days in isolation for the virus.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 21, 2020
I have several prayer requests for you to remember this week. First of all, the Clarence Atkinson Family will have a private memorial service on Tuesday at 1 pm at Mountain View Funeral Home in Pickens with interment to follow at Hillcrest Cemetery. Special thanks to those of you providing the meal before the service.
Tricia G and all her family were exposed to COVID-19 during the funeral services for her sister, Miranda Chapman and are in quarantine. The Keith Thomas Family, Derek Thomas' uncle and Greta F in the hospital.
Please remember the Christmas Eve Communion Service on Thursday night at 6:30 pm. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 18, 2020
I hope all the craziness of this final weekend before Christmas affords you quiet time for reflection and thought.
Please remember your Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is due by this weekend if possible. Our missionaries need to know that our churches are fully supporting them while they serve on foreign fields.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 17, 2020
I apologize for last night's Wednesday Night Live broadcast, but Facebook shut us down three times in five minutes so I did not try again. We will try again on December 30th to finish up James, Chapter 4 and start into Chapter 5.
As we approach Christmas, remember the real reason for these holidays. Be sure to make some time to get along with the Lord and spend some quality time with Him.
Make sure to touch base with family and friends and share the love you have for them. Then, listen for those "Divine interruptions" as I outline in today's Daily Encouragement.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 16, 2020
I visited with Clarence and Francis today and we need to remember them in our prayers. Clarence's legs are swelling and draining and he is beginning to show signs of decline. They have Hospice assistance which is helping them out, but our prayers are needed for them.
Please pray for Tricia Garrett's family as they have her sister's memorial of remembrance.
Wednesday Night Live service at 6:30 and Student Ministry service and meal tonight at 6:00. I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
"Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 15, 2020
Please continue to pray for the Miranda Chapman family. Her memorial service is Wednesday at 2 pm and there is to be a gathering at Mtn View Funeral Home in Pickens following the service. Also, Angela S has requested we add her sister, Sandy B, to our prayer list.
When making plans for the week of Christmas, please refer to the latest bulletin formation (below) regarding our scheduled services and times. Things can get crazy so stay informed and we hope to see you at any or all of the services.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray
ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER Because of the spiking numbers of infections in the upstate for the Corona Virus, we will not have the annual meal after the morning service December 20th. CHRISTMAS WEEK INFORMATION -December 20th, NO Evening Service -December 23rd, NO Wednesday Night Live -December 24th, Christmas Eve Communion at 6:30 pm -December 27th, Normal services schedule
"Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 14, 2020
Please continue to pray for the Miranda Chapman family. No word yet on arrangements but as soon as I know something, I will pass it along.
Special thanks to those of you providing gifts to the Grandchildren of Melissa C in Central. I know it will be greatly appreciated by the boys.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 11, 2020
Ever wonder why the Bible seems fresh and new every day? After readingtoday's article, maybe you will have a better understanding of the why!
Happy Friday...have a wonderful day and an even better weekend!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 10, 2020
I trust you are having a good week. Please continue to pray for Dave B as he recovers at home. Also keep Sharon K who has breathing difficulty during cold weather, Shirley B (Lori R's mother) and a host of homebound folks in our church.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 9, 2020
Wednesday and mid-week once again. I hope you are having a great week and are not overwhelmed with your "to-do" list.
Please keep Lori R's mother, Shirley B, in your prayers. She has developed brain tumors and is in considerable pain and discomfort. Lori is spending weekend time there in East Tennessee so prayer for her safe travel as well.
Scott D is supposed to finish his radiation treatments this week and then he will be rechecked at some time in the future.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 8, 2020
There is so much going on in SMBC folk's lives, it is difficult to figure out where to begin.
-Dave B has had a drain tube inserted in his abdomen to drain off the infected fluids while at the same time receiving IV antibiotic therapy. He may get to go home tomorrow with the drain tube and a bag full of antibiotics.
-Pat P's niece and her family have tested positive for COVID-19 -Continue to pray for the James Seaborn family...his funeral was yesterday and I want to thank everyone who provided food for the meal after the services. A special thank you to Teri Holder and Becky Lowery for setting up, serving and cleaning up after the meal.
-Rebecca W, wife of Gerald W, former Pickens County Administrator, has been diagnosed with some form of intestinal cancer. Radiation therapy is not working so they are looking at other ways to treat her.
Again, thanks to all of you for a great time of worship Sunday morning, and evening at the Hanging of the Greens service. You are all so special to us and we thank God for the opportunity to minister in Six Mile with you!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor
Please keep the Seaborn Family in your prayers today as they lay to rest the patriarch of the family.
I greatly enjoyed our services yesterday and especially last night's Hanging of the Greens and the fellowship afterwards. I hope you have a blessed day today and every day!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor
Friday at last and for many, another work week comes to a close. The weekend hopefully promises a little rest and relaxation and maybe some "chore" time.
Don't forget to carve out some time for your church family on Sunday. Keep those in prayer we have mentioned throughout the week and lift up your family in Christ.
Funeral services for James Seaborn will be as follows: Visitation at Liberty Mortuary on Sunday, December 6th from 3-5 pm. Service of Remembrance on Monday, December 7th at 1 pm in the Liberty Mortuary Chapel.
We will have a very special service Sunday night and it is my sincere desire that as many of you as possible be there. This service highlights the decorations we use to express our faith and the nearness of our Savior during this festive season.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 3, 2020
Please continue to pray for Judy P and her family in the death of her mother. Her services are today at Hillcrest Cemetery and we are providing a meal afterward and I thank those of you supplying the food.
Keep James S's family in your prayers as they make the arrangements for his services.
Janet S (Jamie Rs' sister) might get to go home today if she continues to do well. Sunday night is a special Hanging of the Greens service at 6 pm and I hope you will be able to attend. Because of the spike in COVID cases, we will forego the First Fellowship afterwards. Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 2, 2020
Pleasecontinue to remember James S, Jane E and Wayne S, all with COVID-19.
Also, please pray for the Adola Galloway family...this is Judy P's mother. She passed away last night and her services are to be private and will be conducted Thursday at Hillcrest Cemetery in Pickens. Special thanks to those of you preparing food for the family meal after the service.
Wednesday Night Live is tonight at 6:30 and we are continuing in the Book of James, Chapter 5. I hope to see you or maybe you will see me.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor December 1, 2020
Please continue to pray for James S, Wayne S, Jane E who are infected with COVID-19, all family of someone in our church, and the others mentioned yesterday for prayer.
Congratulations to Patrick and Sara who are expecting another baby! Please pray for all of our expectant mothers; Katie M, Priscilla R and now Sara H.
Don't forget, Wednesday Night Live tomorrow night at 6:30 and Student Ministry at 6:00.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 30, 2020
Did you miss the Daily Encouragement this morning? If you did, I want you to know that if you missed church yesterday, you were missed by all those in attendance. Last night was a great time of worship in song and I thank Joe Trusty and Lane Hudson for being our special guests.
Please plan to join us this Sunday evening for our Hanging of the Greens service to include our annual Chrismon Tree. This is one of my favorite services of the year; quiet, intimate and rich in meaning and symbolism.
"Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 27, 2020
I hope and pray you had a great day yesterday with family and/or friends! Please continue to pray for those of our church family with health concerns and illnesses.
Don't forget we are having a 5th Sunday Night Singing this Sunday night and I would love to see you there. We have a special guest who will sing several songs along with your singing and worship. This weekend also begins our prayer emphasis for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Happy Thanksgiving! November 26, 2020
Today is the one day set aside in America to formally stop and give thanks to God for His blessings. I hope you have a great day and are able to spend time with family and friends. Try to remember in prayer those of our church who are homebound, and those who are experiencing health concerns.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Pastor Ray
Message from the Pastor November 25, 2929
I am adding my son-in-law's father, Wayne S, who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, along with James S who is still in the hospital, to our prayer list. Keep them both in prayer and their families as well.
Remember there are no Wednesday night services tonight and I trust all of you will have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 Ray Longenecker
Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 24, 2020
Please commit to praying for James S at Easley Hospital. As of this writing, he is positive for COVID-19, on a ventilator and numerous medications and the staff are waiting for an ICU bed to open up. Pray for the family as they face many tough decisions.
Remember, there will be no Wednesday night services at the church this week. Additionally, we will have a short church conference after the worship service on Sunday, November 29th.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 23, 2020
What a wonderful day of worship yesterday! It was so good to have Patrick and his family back with us after their quarantine. They have a special announcement for all of us involving a new addition to their family!
Please pray for James S who was taken to the ER last night. He is not doing well an I will apprise you his status as soon as I know anything.
A special thanks to all of you who gave of your time and money to support the Feast of Plenty on Saturday. We served 219 "to-go" boxes and had absolutely nothing left over save 2 cups of gravy.
Continue to pray for Tommy G as he recovers from back surgery on Friday and for the Ricky G family of Six Mile.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Message from the Pastor November 20, 2020
Fredia and I heard from Shelia M Wednesday night and she said to tell everyone "Hey." She also asked for us to remember her and her family in our prayers. Shelia, her sister, Debbie and her husband Dale S tested positive for COVID-19. Dale was sent to the hospital on Friday and passed away Wednesday afternoon from COVID related complications. Shelia and her sister seem to be recovering well, but now they must plan a funeral service.
Tomorrow is our Feast-of-Plenty and I hope we have a great turn out of volunteers and people to serve. Your donations of time and resources are invaluable to the community. Your selflessness is a sweet smelling offering to God. Thank you!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 19, 2000
I hope your week has been as productive as mine. And yet, when I think about it, I still have much to do in preparation for the weekend.
It would truly be wonderful to see you all this Sunday for worship at SMBC. We can share our thoughts about the Feast of Plenty and look forward to a fifth Sunday night singing on Sunday, November 29th. Then, we will have our Hanging of the Greens Service on Sunday evening, December 6th.
Please come for any or all of the services we have at the church. Your presence is a present...a gift to God and those who also attend.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 18, 2020
Please pray for Rex J's sister Roberta who has been diagnosed with brain tumors and is experiencing severe migraine pain.
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 pm and we will be finishing up the Book of James, Chapter 4 and moving into Chapter 5. Join us in person or on Facebook Live on the Six Mile Baptist Church page.
For those of you who volunteered to cook turkeys, they will be available tonight at the Roper building for you to pick up. If you are unable to do so, please let Pastor Ray know and he will make arrangements to deliver it to you.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Message from the Pastor November 17, 2020
"Our God is an awesome God! He reigns, from Heaven above. With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God!
What a wonderful way to start the day off reveling in the worship of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I hope your day is as bright as the noon day sun, clear as a Carolina sky and comforting as your favorite cozy spot. Let that tune resonate through your mind today as you think of the goodness, mercy and grace of the One who loved you so much, He sent His one and only Son to redeem you from death, hell and the grave!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 16, 2020
I had a wonderful day of worship yesterday and you really encouraged me with your response for the Feast of Plenty! I trust our efforts on Saturday will make a difference in someone's life; now and maybe for eternity.
Wednesday Night Live begins our study of the Book of James, Chapter 5. When we finish this book, we will go back into the Old Testament for the latter half of the Minor Prophets.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 12, 2020
Please remember Patrick H in your prayers...he tested positive for COVID-19. He and his family will be absent for the next 2 weeks while he recovers. On a lighter note, Meredith A tested negative and is overcoming her symptoms at home.
If you get a chance, please sign-up for the Feast of Plenty to be conducted on Saturday, November 21st. If you cannot sign-up at church, please let me know what you would be able to bring so we may complete our list of items needed.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 11, 2020
Thank you to all of our Veterans for your service to our country. Thank you also to the families of Veterans who supported your family member in their service.
Karen K is home recovering from her surgery yesterday. Please keep her in your prayers as she regains her strength and stamina.
We still need volunteers for the Feast of Plenty. If you have not signed up to help, please do so as soon as possible so we can make this event a great outreach into the community.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 10, 2020
Karen K has surgery today and I will apprise you of her status once I have it. I hope all of you are doing well today and the week is progressing favorably for you.
Operation Christmas Child boxes are due at the church by Sunday, November 22nd. Lori told me yesterday that if you like, you may go online and "build a box" and send it all online. Go to for more info.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 9, 2020
Last night was an intimate time together during the First Fellowship with church family. Thank you to those of you attending! We had a great time of food and fellowship in the best sense of the words.
Please pray for Karen K today and tomorrow as she goes in for surgery tomorrow for hernia repair. The surgery is supposed to be out-patient, so I should be able to update you Wednesday morning about her recovery. Also, pray for Gary N who was with us in service yesterday morning, but at the ER last night with shallow breathing. All the performed diagnostics failed to show anything except elevated blood pressure, so he now has all the follow-ups to be done. Keep him in your prayers as he navigates the healthcare maze of appointments and diagnostics.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 6, 2020
TGIF! I hope you are anticipating a great couple of days off and looking as forward to Sunday morning worship as I am. I genuinely love Sundays with you and truly enjoy our time together.
Don't forget that we are having First Fellowship Sunday night at 6 pm as the evening service. Soups and stews are the fare for the evening along with drinks. I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 5, 2020
Mac R's mother, Ethel R, is home and doing very well as of this writing. Continue to pray for all of our homebound folks and those facing medical procedures.
We will have First Fellowship this Sunday night at 6 pm and I sincerely hope to see you there. Soups and Stews are the fare for the evening along with some singing and a message from the Word.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 4, 2020
Tonight is Facebook Live for the Wednesday night Bible study of the Book of James. I hope to "see" you at 6:30.
Continue to remember Mac R's mother, Ethel R, as she recovers from surgery today. All went well and she should be coming home today. Also pray for Dale G and her response to the infusion treatment.
Hopefully, all the election ads are over and we can get back to civility in public discourse. Don't forget, Sunday night is First Fellowship and we are having soup/stew on the menu and drinks.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Ray Longenecker Senior Pastor Six Mile Baptist Church
Message from the Pastor November 3, 2020
The storms are over for now and the clean-up continues as we make our way into another week. I hope your week is going well and you are enjoying the moderate weather.
Tomorrow night we will continue in the Book of James, chapter 4. I hope you are able to join us either in person or on Facebook.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor November 2, 2020
We will be doing our annual Feast of Plenty on Saturday, November 21st from 11 am to 1 pm as a "to-go" event. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary. Please select a dish to bring and/or activity to be involved in during this community service event.
Please remember in prayer Ethel R (Mac R's mother) Tuesday when she has surgery; Dale G, also Tuesday for infusion treatment and our home-bound who are unable to join us for services.
Finally, we will have First Fellowship this coming Sunday night at 6 pm. Bring a pot of soup or stew and a drink to share since it is finally comfort food weather!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 28, 2020
I hope your week is going well and looking forward to the coming weekend. Don't forget to set your clocks BACK this weekend.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 27, 2020
Don't forget to set your clocks BACK 1 hour this next Saturday night. Remember the saying, "Spring forward, Fall back". Also, we will have a Children's Church class this Sunday during the Worship Service taught by Bethany Reynolds.
This Saturday night, Patrick and Sara Hardin will head up passing out candy for "Trick or Treat on Main Street" from 5 to 7 pm on the porch of the Roper Building. If you would like to help them, call Patrick and let him know.
As requested by the family, in lieu of flowers for his Mother's funeral, Six Mile Baptist Church is sending $100 to the Gideon's to purchase 20 Bibles in memory of Reese's Mother, Margaret Davis.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 22, 2020
Remember Reese and Patti as they travel to Florida for his mother's services. I hope you had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend. We will have Sunday School for kids and adults this Sunday and regular service at 11. Sunday night is at 6 and I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 22, 2020
Dear All: Sandra S has asked for us to please pray for the Sybil Wall Family. Also, pray for Reese and Patti as they travel this weekend to conduct his mother's services in Florida. Lift each other up in prayer and I will plan on seeing you Sunday...Lord willing!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 21, 2020
Please continue to pray for Reese and Patti as they make all the necessary arrangements for Margaret's transport and funeral services. Also, prayers for Hattie Mae and the family; Frances' procedure was done on Sunday to remove 2 gallstones from her bile duct and she is resting at home. Dale begins infusion treatments next week and my brother-in-law begins chemo/radiation this week. A lot is going on so it is necessary for us to remember one another in prayer.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 20, 2020
I hope and pray your week is going well and the battles you face are minimal and you are victorious. We will be having Free Food Night on Thursday, October 22nd at 7:00. Workers need to be there by 6:30 if possible. Remember everyone in prayer and know that someone needs you more than you might realize.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 19, 2020
Thank you for your prayers on my behalf over the weekend. I am beginning to feel more "normal" and hope to be back to full speed soon. We will have Wednesday Night Live in-person and Student Ministry will be back in full swing this coming Wednesday night. Let's all say a special "thanks" to Stephen and Priscilla and their gang that provides guidance to the students on Wednesday nights!
Continue to lift one another up in prayer as we continue to navigate the ins and outs of this COVID-19 situation. You are in my prayers and I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 16, 2020
Please remember the Nations Family throughout today and especially during the services this afternoon.
I trust you had a good week and the weekend will be a time for you to relax and unwind after a busy week. I hope to see you all Sunday since we will be able to resume regular, in-person worship services. I have not heard of anyone that was exposed to COVID-19 showing any signs of the virus or testing positive as of this writing.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing!
Message from the Pastor October 14, 2020
The middle of the week brings anticipation about what will take place this weekend. Everyone seems to get "antsy" about Saturday and Sunday right about now. Here's hoping your favorite football team, movie or series is available for you to watch. Just please remember to join us in services on Sunday morning unless something changes between now and then. If there are any changes, we will let you know as soon as we can.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 13, 2020
I hope you are drying out after a weekend of seemingly unending rain and clouds. Use this day as an opportunity to encourage someone around you who might need a "pick-me-up." They are not hard to spot and there always seems to be someone in need of a "virtual hug."
Hope to see you tomorrow night as we begin the Book of James, Chapter 4.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 12, 2020
Thank you for understanding about the need to cancel in-person worship yesterday and go with Facebook Live. The Deacons and myself want to take no chances on exposing anyone to COVID; especially those with underlying health conditions or concerns. We will not have in-person student ministry on Wednesday night but the Adult Bible Study of the Book of James will proceed as normal, albeit via Facebook Live at 6:30.
Again, thanks for your understanding. Remember to pray for the homebound of our congregation and those recovering from medical procedures.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 9, 2020
Another Friday and the weekend is upon us. I hope your plans for this weekend include joining us in person for worship on Sunday morning at 11:00. I will be preaching the second message in the series, "Facing Your Future With Confidence." I don't know about you, but I can use all the help I can from God's Word and the encouragement from God's people.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 8, 2020
As we marvel at the beauty and splendor of Autumn all around us, let's remember that God has painted the most vivid of portraits for us to enjoy. He has given us all we need to be faithful to Him and share His Gospel with a world so desperately in need of a Savior.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 7, 2020
I hope to see you tonight as we continue in the Book of James, Chapter 3. Remember to lift up each other in prayer and let God lay someone on your heart with whom you may share the Gospel with today. Also, don't forget to call people by name whenever you have the chance.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
Message from the Pastor October 6, 2020
Today's missiveis of great importance...the world is watching! What will they see? I hope and pray they see Christ; crucified and risen victorious over the grave in your life today. We must live like all eternity depends on it, cause it might for some poor lost soul.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
October 2, 2020 Message from the Pastor
We have great opportunities to minister to those around us and I hope you are able to take advantage of them when they present themselves to you. Remember, Paul prayed about going in one direction and the Spirit led him in a different direction and the Gospel went to Europe because of his faithfulness. When and where God will use you may remain a mystery, but one thing is for certain, when you avail yourself to Him, He will use you!
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
October,1,2020 Message from the Pastor
How's your week going? I hope and pray that you are on the downhill end of the week and looking forward to worship on Sunday and fellowship Sunday evening. Be vigilant in prayer for those of our church who continue to have lingering health problems and for those facing medical procedures in the near future.
Have a blessed day and be a blessing! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 29, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to Tuesday and the joy of another day to live for the Lord and be an encourager to someone along the way. I hope your week is going well and you are energized about what you need to accomplish this week. Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are home-bound. Lisa Rs' mother came home from the hospital and did in fact have a stroke. Keep the family in your prayers as they provide for her care at home. Patti D has parathyroid surgery this Friday, Scott D has several doctor's appointments this week about his situation, Ricky H (Patrick's dad), Max R, Rebecca W and Avery S.
Sunday night at 6 pm will be our first 1st Fellowship in a long while and I hope you will make every effort to be there. The church will provide the burgers, hot dogs and buns if you will bring the sides, drinks and/or desserts. We will have some singing, prayer, testimonies and of course, some eating! I hope to see you there!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 28, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Please remember to pray for the people we called out by name yesterday during the morning worship service. There are many individuals with real needs for our prayers.
On a lighter note, we are going to have First Fellowship on Sunday night, October 4th as our evening service. We have not had a fellowship in a long time and I think it is time we restore that sense of normalcy to our calendar. The church will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs and buns and we ask you to bring the side dishes, drinks and/or desserts. Our service will include prayer, singing and testimonies and everyone is invited to be a part of this celebration of our church family. See you at 6 pm on Sunday night!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 24, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Today's Daily Encouragement is a challenge to live a holy lifestyle. In keeping with the Scriptural mandate to "exhort one another", here is the exhortation for the day.
Continue to pray for Karen K, Ken P, Scott D (our brother-in-law) and others that you are aware of and can lift up in prayer.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 23, 2020 Message from the Pastor
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength..." Isaiah 40:31. How's your wait? Is it allowing you to experience the strength of God with a whole new meaning? I sincerely hope so!
Whatever you put your mind and strength to today, may it be blessed of God. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 22, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope your week is going well and off to a good start. Let's hope this week ends as well or better.
Please pray for the comfort of God for the family of Rudy B, Joyce S's nephew. He passed away at 7:20 this morning after a protracted battle with illness.
Wednesday night we will begin the latter half of the Book of James, Chapter 3, dealing with True Wisdom. I hope you are able to join us in person or on Facebook Live at 6:30. Thursday night at 7 pm is Free Food night and we will do prayer requests and a devotional for those attending.
Stay safe and have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 21, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to the last day of summer! My favorite time of the year is finally ready to burst forth in all the beauty and splendor of Fall! Not only are the trees blessing us with color and radiant imagery, the air is crisp and clean and the electric bills will be lower.
Continue to pray for K, Scott D, Dale G, Ken P and all of our homebound folk. Free food night is Thursday night at 7:00 and we are returning to our normal schedule for this activity of Prayer, Devotion and giving out the food. Hope to see you...we could use the help!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 17, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Sunday evening services resume this Sunday at 6 p.m. One week from today we will have a regular Free Food Night in the hallway downstairs. Helpers should be there by 6:30 to build boxes to give out.
Keep Karen K and all the Hurricane Sally victims in your prayers. Also, please pray for Joyce S's nephew, Rudy B and his family in Largo Florida. He is in hospice care and not expected to last much longer. Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting the continued ministries of our church.
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 16, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Please keep Karen K in your prayers today while she undergoes surgery. Pray for safety during and after the procedure and for a speedy recovery. Also, continue to pray for Betty G's family after the death of her sister Judy Bethel.
Sunday evening services resume this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. and don't forget the Janie Chapman offering for state missions.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 15, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Continue your prayers for those listed yesterday. Pray for them everyday if you can. If I receive any updates, I will pass them along as soon as I receive them.
Sunday evening services resume this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Adult Focus Group Study on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 14, 200 Message from the Pastor
Please remember to pray for the following: Karen K's surgical procedure on Wednesday; Betty G for vertigo and her sister, Judy who is now on palliative care; Scott D who will find out what type of cancer he has and for Patrick's dad, Ricky H who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
The Adult Focus Group Study is great! If you are missing this "open forum" lesson at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings, you are missing a blessing. We will resume Sunday night services this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. I hope you are able to be there.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 11, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to the end of the work week for some and for those of you working this weekend, your days off will come soon. Continue to pray for Karen K who is scheduled to have surgery next Wednesday.
We have adult and children's Sunday School classes this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and worship service at 11:00 a.m. I would love to see you there for both services so we can fellowship around the Word of God as we worship the risen Lord!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 9, 2020 Message from the Pastor
It's the middle of the week and I hope you are having good success so far in your activities. This weekend we begin our week of prayer for state missions. This Sunday, Janet Benton will highlight a local ministry supported by your contributions to the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions. Please pray about your offering to this and many other state centered ministry efforts.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 8, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend and were able to make the most of the time. Wednesday night's Bible Study on the book of James is in-person and on Facebook Live at 6:30 and Student Ministry is also in-person from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Roper Building.
Our Janie Chapman offering for SC State Missions' goal is $750. The Youth Sunday School class has thrown down the challenge and given over 10% of that goal. Will you help fund these worthy efforts across our state? Your contribution could change forever the life of someone struggling to learn to read, access affordable medical care or even have a decent pair of shoes to wear to school. What will you give to help in these and many other areas? Something to think about!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 7, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Happy Labor Day! Thanks to all of you who make a difference every day by going to work and living among the world as messengers of the Gospel.
Please remember Rex and Ella in your prayers. Their son, Chris, passed away the other day at 52 years old. They are uncertain whether or not they will be able to go to his services.
Also, continue to pray for Karen K who has a surgical procedure on the 16th; Dale G begins infusion treatments in October; Betty G's sister, Judy, does not seem to be responding to her treatments. I know we all have someone we can pray for who are going through their own personal storms of life. Life can be brutal sometimes and we don't always know what others are going through. Be kinder than normal; someone needs a smile today. It might just be you!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 4, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Friday at last and the end of the "normal" work week. I hope and pray it has been relatively uneventful for you and now you can kick back and relax a bit; after all, this is "Labor Day" weekend, isn't it? For those of you traveling or away for the weekend, be safe and have a good time. For those of you "staycating," I hope to see you Sunday morning for worship.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 3, 2020 Message from the Pastor
We have an opportunity to help a family of three boys, ages 4, 6 and 8 who are cared for by their grandmother. Sizes are respectively, 5 pants and shirts, 8-10 pants and shirts and 10-12 slim pants and shirts and size 6 shoes. If you would like to provide any clothing for these boys, I will deliver to the family when available. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 2, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Is it just me or does it seem like it takes forever for Wednesday to get here and before you know it, it's Monday! Continue to pray for our folks facing medical procedures and for the homebound. This coming weekend is Labor Day Weekend and I know some of you will be traveling, so please be careful and enjoy your time away. I look forward to seeing you upon your return.
We have an opportunity to minister to a family of three boys cared for by their Grandmother. I am working on getting sizes and will let you know that info as soon as I get it.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
September 1, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you all are having a great week so far. I know many of you have struggles at work and at home from time to time that few know about. Our prayers today are for your silent service where you work or at home where you may feel taken for granted from time to time. God knows your hurts and He hears your cry. Trust Him today and remember your loving heavenly Father knows and cares.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 31, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Please continue to pray for those of our church and community who are either facing medical procedures or are home bound. My brother-in-law, Scott in Florence, SC, is having his tonsils and an adjoining mass removed on Thursday. Karen K. is facing major surgery later this month and Dale G. will begin additional treatments in October for her condition.
Special thanks to Patrick for a job well done yesterday during the worship service. A challenge we could all do well to put into practice.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 28, 2020 Message from the Pastor
The end of another work week is upon us and I hope you have had a great week! Don't forget that we are starting a "hybrid" adult Sunday School class in the Auditorium this Sunday along with a combined kids class downstairs. We will also observe Communion at the close of the service.
Pray for those impacted by Hurricane Laura along the Texas and Louisiana coastlines and all parts inland.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 27, 2020 Message from the Pastor
This Sunday we begin a "hybrid" adult class led by Dave and Janet Benton for all adults of SMBC. Pastor Ray will be teaching a kids class downstairs for all the kids of the adults who attend. This is a great opportunity to get into Bible Study and enjoy about 45 minutes of meaningful study and adult conversation.
Remember, this Sunday we will observe Communion at the close of the Morning Worship service. Please come prepared to partake of this sacred time through remembrance and reflection. Also, don't forget that Free Food Night is tonight as a "drive thru" event at 7:00 pm.
Have a blessed day! "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 26, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Don't forget that we are starting a "hybrid" Sunday School class for adults this coming Sunday, August 30th in the auditorium at 10:00 am. Dave and Janet Benton will be teaching the class for all adults desiring to attend.
Next Wednesday night, September 2nd, we will resume Wednesday night Adult Bible Study live in the auditorium from 6:30 to 7:30. We will try to continue the Facebook Live broadcast on Wednesday nights.
Mark your calendars with this information and try to be there as we try to return to a sense of normalcy at SMBC. I hope to see you there.
Have a blessed day! Ray
"Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 24. 2020 Message from the Pastor
For those of you braving the "elements" of COVID-19 yesterday, thank you for being at the morning worship service. For everyone else, you were sorely missed and I do mean missed.
We are resuming Wednesday Night Student Ministry activities from 6:30 to 7:30 beginning August 26th and we will be observing Communion this coming Sunday at the close of the morning worship service. I sincerely hope to see you there.
Please be in prayer for the kids and teachers heading back to school today. For some, it is the beginning of their academic career (K-5), and for others, it is the beginning of the end of their academic career (Seniors). Either way, they need our prayers and support on this journey to adulthood.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 21, 2020 Message from the Pastor
We had a great time with the Student Ministry on Wednesday night. We ate pizza and chips with Rice Krispy treats and drinks and the kids had a blast making "tie-dyed" tee shirts. Keep the kids and school officials in your prayers as they prepare to return to school on August 24th (Monday).
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 20, 2020 Message from the Pastor
As of today, I have no new information on Ken Pilgrim or my brother-in-law, Scott Dare. Please continue to pray for both of them as they await test results.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday and especially on Sunday, August 30th because we will celebrate the Lord's Table at the close of our worship service. Satan may try to slow us down, but he can't keep us from remembering the atoning work of Christ on the cross through the elements of the Communion Service. I hope you will plan to join us every Sunday as we fellowship around the Word in praise and worship to the only one worthy of praise!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 19, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope your Wednesday is better than yesterday. But one thing is for certain, your heavenly Father knows where you are and what you need to make it through today. So trust in Him and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 18, 2020 Message from the Pastor
A special thanks to those of you responding to the daily articles. It is encouraging to me when you let me know how it has encouraged you. I pray for all of you daily and my joy is knowing you are a "child of the King" and a brother or sister in Christ.
Have a blessed day and remember to praise the Lord! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 17, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to another work week! I hope you had a good weekend and are doing well. Please continue to pray for Lisa Rhodes and her family after the death of her father, Jim Anthony. Also, please remember to pray for our home-bound and those having diagnostic tests and/or medical procedures soon.
If you were able to join us yesterday for Sunday worship, it certainly was great to see you. If not, maybe this next Sunday we will be able to worship together. You are missed when you are not with us in person.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 14, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Happy Friday; at least for those of you working M-F. For those of you working the weekend shift, Monday's coming! I hope you have a blessed weekend and I hope to see you on Sunday at 11 a.m. for the morning worship service. Be safe in your weekend activities and have a good time with the family and your friends if that is on your agenda.
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 13, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you did not have any significant damage after last night's round of raucous thunderstorms. We desperately needed the rain, but as for me, I could do without all the lightning and thunder late into the night. If you missed last night's Wednesday Night Live broadcast, you can still catch it on the church's Facebook page. We finished James, Chapter 2 and will begin Chapter 3 on August 26th at 6:30. We will not do the broadcast next week so we can help the Student Ministry with their Back-to-School event.
Continue to pray for one another and have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 12, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you are having a blessed week thus far and all is well. Tonight is Wednesday Night Live via the church Facebook page and I hope to "see" you there. We are still in James, Chapter 2 and might finish this chapter tonight. Next week, we will not have Wednesday Night Live since Fredia and I will be helping with the Student Ministry Back-to-School event at 6:00 pm. Anyone wanting to help is invited to join in and help get the kids ready for school.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 11, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Today's installment reflects the heart and soul of the One who loved us more than His own life. Think about it carefully and let the love of God flood your mind and heart.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 10, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Here we go again, another Monday, Monday! Hope you had a great weekend and got some rest and relaxation. Don't forget to get your list of needed school supplies for the Student Ministry Event on Wednesday, August 19th. We would like to have all the supplies turned in by this coming Sunday if at all possible.
Remember one another in prayer and don't forget to tune in for Wednesday Night Live on the church Facebook Page.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 6, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Congratulations to Taylor and Katie! It appears they are having a girl so Bailee Ann will be the big sister to little sister. Oh, the fun they are gonna have!
Remember one another in prayer and please pray for our nation as we draw closer to the national elections in November. I can't think of a more crucial election than this one. Decisions about so many elements of the future will hang in the balance of what transpires on Election Day.
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
August 5, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to Wednesday and the middle of the week. I hope the first half of the week was good and the latter half will be great! Keep Betty's sister, Judy, in your prayers since she is doing radiation several times a week now. This alone is in response to prayer on her behalf since she was not supposed to live but two more days, two weeks ago!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 31, 2020 Message from the Pastor
It's the end of the week and I know you are ready for the weekend. I hope you make time for some relaxation and enjoyment and set aside some time for worship with us this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. I am beginning a series of messages entitled, "I'm In the Lord's Army" based on 2 Timothy and I hope you are with us in formation!
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 30, 2020 Message from the Pastor
On behalf of Betty, thank you for your prayers for her safe travel and her sister's condition. Betty made it home last night and her sister is responding well to the radiation therapy and the medical team are considering chemo-therapy for her since she has tolerated the procedures thus far. Please continue your prayers on their behalf.
I hope and pray you have blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 27, 2020 Message from the Pastor It was wonderful seeing those of you present for yesterday's worship service. Thank you for your encouragement to me as I try to encourage you. DVD's of Sunday morning services can be produced if you know someone who might benefit from the service. Please let me know if you would like a copy of the service and we will get it to you as soon as we can.
Have a blessed day. Ray
July 17, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Happy Friday! Hope you have had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. I know I am looking forward to seeing any and/or all of you this Sunday morning for worship. Be safe and have a great day today and remember, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 16, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Another day of warm sunshine and higher humidity. If you have to be outside, please stay hydrated and take more frequent breaks from the heat. As we navigate the "cancel culture" around us, let's determine to be bridge builders of compassion and understanding; not road blocks to personal interaction with the lost, confused and belligerent mobs attacking our very foundations as a nation.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 15, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Tonight is Wednesday Night Live and we are in the book of James, chapter 2. Hope you are able to tune in tonight and if not, at sometime in the near future. Speaking of tuning in, we have instituted measures to protect anyone coming to the Sunday Morning worship services at church. I sure would love to see many of you who have not been to church in some time. I know these are trying times for all of us, but none of this has escaped the loving gaze of God.
Praying for you and your families for safety and security. Have a blessed day!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 14, 2020 Message from the Pastor
My prayers for you today are that you are well and doing better today than yesterday. I know many of you face "dragons" at work and at home and I pray that with the Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of faith supported by the Girdle of Truth, you are able to slay them in victory.
Lift one another up in prayer and we will all make it another day! Be encouraged...God still reigns supreme!
Blessings Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 13, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Welcome to another work week and I hope you are doing well today. We are thankful for those of you who continue to support the ministries of SMBC with your mail-in tithes and offerings. We hope to be able to resume "normal" activities sooner than later which includes Student Ministry, Choir and Sunday School.
I hope you have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 10, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Friday! Need I say anymore? Hope the end of the week is great for you and you are looking forward to some "down" time this weekend. Thanks to all of you who responded to the email from Tuesday night regarding church elections and safety precautions relative to COVID-19.
I want to address the issue of wearing masks at church this Sunday. The wearing of masks is strongly encouraged, but not required. Those who have personal objections or medical conditions are not going to be excluded from the services nor will you be singled out. Disposable masks will be available for those who desire to wear one and we will continue to maintain social distancing by using every other pew. I also encourage everyone to use the hand sanitizer coming in and going out of the sanctuary.
If you have any questions, please use this contact link
July 8, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Thank you for your positive responses to the email I sent out last night. This whole virus scenario is unlike anything any of us have ever faced before. As the numbers continue to increase along with hospitalizations, we must do our part to protect the most vulnerable among ourselves and society at large.
Here is the link to where you will find today's article along with the Notetaker for James, Chapter 2:1-13 I will be conducting Wednesday night Bible study from my home on Facebook Live starting at 6:30.
Have a blessed day. Ray
July 6, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Well, we are into the latter half of the year and don't blink or Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here! I hope you are having a good post-Fourth of July Monday and you have felt the presence of the Lord today during your daily devotion and prayer time.
Today's Daily Encouragement takes me back almost forty years and the early days of my walk with God. Hope you have a great day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 3, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Our article today deals with our response to this pandemic as a body of believers and the example we can set for the world to follow. Everything around us is chaotic and discombobulated and it may seem like we will never get back to "normal". Take heart, Jesus said He has overcome the world, so we need not fear or fret. Trust in Him and all will be right in your world; normal or not!
Hope to see you Sunday. If not, join us on Facebook Live at 11:00 a.m. Have a blessed day.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 2, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Here is today's installment of the Daily Encouragement. Short and to the point, I hope the words are as meaningful to you as they are to me.
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
July 1, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you are having a great day!
Today's article is a challenge to all of us and I genuinely believe the time is here for Christian Conservatives to ensure their voice is heard loud and clear and their actions follow closely behind. We must engage culture now or if allowed to continue spiraling out of control, it will crush with impunity all who get in the way.
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 30, 2020 Message from the Pastor
We are living in troublesome times, but do not despair, God is still on the throne and nothing here misses His omniscient gaze. Our response is perseverance and fidelity in the face of turmoil and tumult. I know the news can be depressing, but take heart, Jesus assures us "I have overcome the world."
Blessings! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 29, 2020 Message from the Pastor
As we approach the Fourth of July holiday and the celebrations regarding the founding of our great nation, let us not forget that with these hard won freedoms, comes great responsibilities. We must stand for what is right and not allow a few "rabble-rousers" to strip us of our rights and freedoms as Christians and Americans. Pray for those in the President's Administration, the Legislature and the Judiciary at all levels; national and state.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 25, 2020 Message from the Pastor
I offer a special "Thanks" to all of you for continuing to support our church through your tithes and offerings. We are able to continue ministry in the community and around the world through the Cooperative Program as we have these many years because of your faithfulness to give. On that note, we are doing a "drive-thru" Free Food Night tonight at 7:00 pm.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June 24, 2020 Message from the Pastor
Remember, tonight is Wednesday Night Live at 6:30 to 7:15. If you have any prayer requests, please contact us by clicking here
I will share them tonight during our prayer time. Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
June, 23 2020 Message from the Pastor Welcome to Tuesday and the promise of another day of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don't let the news of what is happening throughout our great nation discourage you. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that these things must come to pass before the return of the Lord; so cast your gaze to the Eastern sky with anticipation and listen for the sound of the trumpet!
Don't forget Wednesday Night Live on Facebook tomorrow night at 6:30 pm. If you have prayer requests you would like included in our prayer time at 7:15, please send to me by clicking here.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 6/11/2020 Message from the Pastor
What a beautiful morning! Isn't God wonderful in all He has provided for you and me in the majesty and wonder of creation? I hope you have a wonderful day and can sense the presence of the One who loves you more than anyone can.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/9/2020 Message from the Pastor
I hope you are having a great day today. My prayers for you are simple; that God would be near and His presence would keep you and encourage you to be all He has in store for you. Let us not settle for second best by missing His plans for our lives.
See you tonight for Wednesday Night Live at 6:30-7:15. For those of you attending in person, we will have prayer time at 7:15 to 7:30 for prayer requests and a time of prayer. I hope to see you then!
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/9/2020 Message from the Pastor
Thank you for tuning in to our services on Facebook Live and I hope you are being encouraged and challenged by these missives. I want to wish all of you a very happy Tuesday and hope the week is going well for yo so far.
Please remember to pray for one another and our nation as a whole. Have a great day.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/8/2020 Message from the Pastor
Today's encouragement article challenges us to pray for our nation and the elected and appointed leaders over us. Please take time to spend a few minutes in prayer for one another and those around you as well.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/3/2020 Message from the Pastor:
It's Friday and I know the weekend may have already started for some of you. We will have regular services this Sunday;
Morning worship at 11:00 and Evening worship at 6:00.
The church has been sanitized and there is hand sanitizer for you to use. I look forward to seeing all of you who can be there and for those of you still keeping your distance, we understand and will await your return when you feel comfortable doing so.
Have a blessed day and weekend. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/3/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Don't forget to tune in tonight to the Six Mile Baptist Church Facebook page as we broadcast Wednesday Night Live and the book of James, Chapter 1:13-15. I hope you can join us! Follow this LINK for the Note Taker Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/2/2020 Message from the Pastor:
First of all I must apologize for messing up on Sunday about my Scripture reading from Psalm 22:27. I realized after the service, my reference was right, I was in the wrong book! Just goes to show we are all prone to mistakes. Today's Daily Encouragement deals with the mistake of wasted resources. Please take the time to read it and muse about the possibilities.
Follow this LINK for the Note Taker for Wednesday Night Live, James 1:13-15. See you then.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
6/1/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Dear All: Praise the Lord! We can return to a more sense of normalcy this Wednesday night. I look forward to seeing those of you who have missed the Adult Bible Study and I will try to make it work to do it Facebook Live. I will email the note taker for the next section tomorrow and I hope it is a help to you in our Study of James.
We had 37 in attendance yesterday and I was so glad to see those of you able to be with us. I hope you all have a great Jesus filled day.
Blessings Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/28/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Where I am today, it continues to be rainy and gloomy looking outside. Days like this might make you want to just curl up with a good book and a pot of coffee and forget the world exists. Sounds nice, but the reality of it is, regardless of the weather or climactic conditions, life goes on and as the Brits would say; "Soldier on!"
I hope you have a great day today! Soldier on! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/27/2020 Message from the Pastor:
I hope you are having a great last week of May! Don't forget about Wednesday Night Live tonight at 6:30. We will be finishing James 1:5-12 tonight and move on next week to the next section.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/26/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Only one more Sunday until we "reopen" our services to a normal worship schedule of Sunday mornings, evening and Wednesday night activities. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you as soon as you are able to return to services.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/23/2020 Reopening Update:
Here is the planned "reopening schedule" for SMBC. It has been drafted with most of the CDC guidelines and a good dose of common sense. Please read it over and if you have any questions, please contact me or one of the Deacons. We hope everyone will be able to return to "in-person" services when they are comfortable with their health situation and being a part of a group once again. It will be included in the bulletin on Sunday in print form for you to have.
Services Reopening Schedule
With the Governor’s announcement ending the stay at home order, we will be begin resuming our regular services starting Wednesday, June 3rd. We will have 3 phases as we begin to gather again. When you decide to gather with us in person again, we will be very excited. For those of you who are high-risk, have underlying health issues, not feeling well or would like to worship at a distance for a little while longer, we encourage you to continue to watch us via live stream instead of in person. Worship will look a little different as we will continue precautions already in place and practicing physical distancing as much as possible. Please enter and exit the church through the front doors only to reduce the number of “touch points” in the facility. All public areas in the church have been sanitized and disinfected for your safety. Hand sanitizer is available at the front doors and we encourage you to use it as often as you feel needed.
Phase 1 (June 3-30) Wednesday Night Student Ministry will resume at 6:00 pm on June 3rd, with a meal, bible teaching and activities. The bus will not pick up students. All students will need to get a ride to and from church. Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume “in person” in the auditorium on June 3rd at 6:30 pm. Beginning Sunday, June 7th, Sunday Morning Worship Service will continue as in-person, broadcast via Facebook Live, recorded and posted to the church website. We will resume meeting for Sunday Evening Worship on June 7th at 6:00 pm No Sunday school. No choir. Phase 2 (July 1-31) Everything in phase 1 will remain the same in phase 2 except the following… We will continue to record the services and post to the church website, but will not broadcast via Facebook Live Sunday School classes will be resumed Choir rehearsals will be resumed Phase 3 (August 1-31) We will try to resume as normal. We will review this phase before August arrives.
5/22/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Another week is coming to a close and with it the opportunity for us to meet again in worship on Sunday. I yearn for our times together and miss you when we are not able to fellowship. I hope this week ends on a positive note for you and to those who are trying to "get away from it all" this weekend, I bid you safe travel and relaxation at your destination.
Have a blessed weekend and I hope to see you Sunday. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/21/2020 Message from the Pastor:
A special thanks to all of you tuning in last night to Wednesday Night Live! I am so very gad we have that opportunity to continue our Bible Study of the Book of James. I look forward to seeing those of you who can attend Sunday and long for the day when we can return to "normal"...whatever that may look like.
I hope you have a blessed day and stay safe. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/20/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Welcome to "hump day"; but in stay at home times, does it really matter? Anyway, I hope you are having a great day in spite of the constant dripping of the downspouts.
Some info for you about upcoming events at SMBC:Memorial Day Sunday is this weekend. We will recognize all families present who have had or have military members in the family circle; close and extended. Graduate recognition is going to be on May 31st during the morning worship service. All graduates are asked to be present if possible. Student Ministry will return on Wednesday night, June 3rd. The bus will not be picking up students. All students will need to get a ride to and from church. Regular services (Morning and Evening Worship) will return on Sunday, June 7thWednesday Adult Bible Study will resume in the auditorium on June 10th. The church has been disinfected after every service we have had since this virus event began. All public surfaces, areas and touch points have been cleaned before every Sunday worship service. Hand sanitizer is available at both entrances for your use. Tomorrow's installment will outline some additional measure to ensure we provide a safe and meaningful worship experience for all who attend.
Wednesday Night Live tonight at 6:30 via Facebook Live on the SMBC page. I hope to "see" you there.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/19/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Please click this link to read today’s "Daily Encouragement" and I hope it lifts your spirits and challenges you to be all you can be in Christ.
Please continue to pray for the Holliday family during this time of loss and grief for their mother, Mildred.
Don't forget to tune in to the church Facebook page on Wednesday night as we begin studying James 1:5-12 as a part of Wednesday Night Live.
I look forward to our time together each meeting and miss you when you are unable to attend.
Have a blessed day. Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/18/2020 Message from the Pastor:
We are fast approaching the time when we can return to "normal" service schedules and activities. I pray for you all daily and trust that God is providing for your needs as we maintain our social "fasting".
Please pray for the following folks from our church: Janet Benton, Karen Kelly, Patti Davis, our home bound, Witt Rhodes, Jim Anthony (Lisa Rhodes' father), Ken and Pat Pilgrim, Also our healthcare providers;
Dale Garrett, Katie Martin, Leslie Ross, Lori Rash, Bethany Reynolds, Ronnie Martin, Liz Hadzick, Jill Garrett, Jessica Gifford, Dr. Tollie Garrett, Carla Smith and Michelle Hennessey.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/15/2020 Message from the Pastor:
I hope you have a blessed day today and anticipate the weekend beginning this afternoon for most of you. I desire to see you in church on Sunday if you have been unable to attend as yet. But I am also sensitive to your personal needs concerning the pandemic. Just know that you are missed and we all look forward to seeing everyone together soon.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/13/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Happy Wednesday! Hope you are doing well and enjoying this cool weather. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow and I know that will make so of you very happy. Don't forget to tune in tonight for James--The Sermon Epistle, Chapter 1, verses 2-4.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4 ~The note taker for today's Bible Study can be found on the Wednesday Night Bible Studies Page
5/12/20 Message from the Pastor
I hope all is well and some of you relieved that come Monday, you will be able to get a haircut, style, manicure and workout at the gym or yoga salon! I know this has been very hard on many people; especially those who have been furloughed or just flat out let go with no promise of a job tomorrow. Take heart, your heavenly Father knows your needs and as Scripture says; "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread." (Psalm 37:25).
Just a reminder, tomorrow night we will conduct Wednesday Night Live via Facebook Live on the Six Mile Baptist Church page. We will continue our study of James 1:2-4. Hope to see you then,
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/11/2020 Message from the Pastor
What a beautiful day for the Lord to return! Would you be surprised if you saw Him on the next cloud in the sky? we should be looking for Him any day, at any time because His word is "Amen and Amen!"
We had a wonderful Mother's Day service yesterday and I was privileged to preside over our recognition of Mom's both present and absent. Again, thank you mothers for your unfailing influence in the lives of future generations.
A note of change to a bulletin announcement...we will not resume Sunday school classes until our first fully open services, June 7th.
Have a blessed day! Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/8/2020 Message from the Pastor:
Sunday is Mother's Day and we will recognize all mothers present during the 11:00 service. I hope all moms of SMBC will attempt to attend and be a part of the worship service.
As our Governor determines what and when to open up of our state, please remember that you may be the only life line someone around you may have. Whether you run errands, carry someone to a doctor's appointment, send a card or just a simple telephone call; your involvement in the lives of others glorifies God as a form of worship.
I hope to see you all on Sunday. Have a blessed and safe weekend!
Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/7/2020 Message from the Pastor:
So glad to share with you last night via Wednesday Night Live! I hope you enjoy the Bible study on the book of James; Practical Wisdom for Everyday Living.
Tonight at 5 pm we will conduct the National Day of Prayer event at the Six Mile Town Hall. Kings Grove Church will join us and anyone in the community who chooses to attend. It will last about 30 minutes and it is a great opportunity for Christians to join together in prayer for our nation, state and community. I hope to see you there!
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/6/2020 Message from the Pastor:
The Deacons and I met last night and have tentatively settled on a schedule to return to full services at Six Mile Baptist Church.
We will conduct Sunday morning and Wednesday Night Live services only throughout the month of May and resume Sunday School on May 17th for the adult classes. Our regular service schedule will resume on June 7th. We will forego 1st Fellowship for the remainder of the summer and reexamine activities of that nature resuming in the fall. These decisions are contingent upon any new guidelines issued by the Governor's office.
We encourage those who are comfortable coming to church services to do so. Those of you with health concerns are encouraged to follow your prescribed guidance on being in gatherings of people not part of your household. In no way will anyone be criticized for following their physician's directives.
Don't forget Wednesday Night Live tonight at 6:30 and the National Day of Prayer service at Six Mile Town Hall tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m.
Blessings, Ray "Work for night comes" John 9:4
5/5/2020 Message from the Pastor:
I hope you are doing well today and trusting the Lord more today than yesterday. Tomorrow night we will do Wednesday Night live at 6:30: here is the note taker for the study of James, Chapter 1, verses 2-4.
Thursday night at 5:00 p.m. we will host a community wide National Day of Prayer event at the Six Mile town hall flag pole. You may park behind town hall and the fire department and walk around to the flag pole.
Sunday is Mother's Day and we will recognize all mothers in attendance and have special prayer for moms everywhere. I hope you are inclined to join us Sunday at 11:00 a.m.; especially if you are already back at work, have been shopping or having family gatherings.
I hope you are encouraged by today's article. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday...the highlight of my week!